Low effort weebshit is ok if Nintendo does it

>low effort weebshit is ok if Nintendo does it

Attached: 1535467317638.webm (960x540, 1.75M)

Attached: 1587606186793.jpg (1200x911, 127.53K)

It is.

Attached: 1587032841984.webm (854x480, 2.05M)

Low effort has always been ok for weebs

Eh, I like it.

Attached: he.jpg (1200x800, 164.61K)



haha this is hilarious

Mocap anime models look fucking awful.

I like how none of the shitposters have actually played XC2 they only base everything on this .webm

Wait, how do you change their outfits?

Why dont you just program a bot to post it everyday, faggot.

is this vrchat

Two in a day? What happened that he is pissed off besides being unable to use his stupid "random screenshots with stupid filenames" strategy anymore?

why do you do it?

Attached: xc2_webm_autism.png (733x80, 10.72K)

can't "play" a "game" with no gameplay, user.

Attached: 1582820932679.png (1024x575, 314.46K)

>non-mandatory fanservice is bad
I bet you only watch serious shows like Breaking Bad and The Wire

"XC2 has no gameplay" is not an argument that you can win

Just what is his end goal?

There is tho

>he still clings to this webm

Attached: 1584829889701.png (633x581, 797.68K)

What drives a man to seethe about game this much?

Expansion Pass's Challenge Mode. Be decent at it and you can get swimsuits and alt costumes for all the main characters.

Attached: curve.jpg (680x383, 40.71K)

He just hates xbc2.

Only because almost all his strategies automatically get him banned now. I guess he is trying to use old ones thinking the mods forgot them.

he just really hates fanservice for whatever reason

the simple fact that the word "blushy-crushy" is included in the game's files is enough to safely discard it.

I honestly can't believe you're still going after this long

blame the translators. In Japanese, they were trying to get Pyra to do the moe servant trope that you see in anime.

the translators can only do so much when they're given lowbrow garbage to work with.

>Meh tier villain

>lowbrow garbage to work with
it's called fanservice. If you don't like it, then don't do that optional heart-to-heart stuff that they put the fanservice in. Why do you care so much about this?

there's fanservice, and then there's the utter shlock that constitutes this game's writing.