>im finally done playing this game after 100+ hours and finished my playthrough? >TIME FOR NG+ I CANT WAIT DOING THE EXACT SAME THINGS AGAIN FOR 50 MORE HOURS!
what is the fucking point of this shit? do you not have any other games to play or is your life simply just so pathetic that you have to play the same recycled content over and again and still get enjoyment out of it?
>Finish game >"Wow, that was really fun. Maybe I'll play it again someday" >Time passes, get an itch to play game again >"Hmm ... I'm in the mood to replay through game. Maybe I should start a NG+ save to keep the experience new and fresh while also trying to pick up on what I've forgotten."
you're shitposting on a taiwanese macrame board, you tell me how that's a better use of one's time.
Matthew Green
didn't read LOL
Brody Gutierrez
i'm at the vanguard of the culture war for the future of my unborn white children
Ethan Morris
playing video games is fine
but being an annoying and insufferable autist who keeps playing the same trash game over and over again and still enjoys sucking up the same dogshit content is just the pinnacle of faggotry
im especially talking about dark souls and skyrim players
>playing the same trash game over and over again and still enjoys sucking up the same dogshit content So you don't have any actual argument, as expected. Just autistically seething because people are playing more games than you and your ADHD can manage. That's pitiful.
>says the Redditor Wanna know how I know youre from Reddit? I dont, but i can say so because I disagree with you and that automatically makes it true. So go back.
Jaxson Price
This is always the plan for me but i end up starting a new save file everytime. A new file gives you the full story experience, a lot of times NG+ skips cutscenes or your just overpowered and is no fun.
>Start playing fatal frame 5 from an old save file >Pick up a diary page >"Note added to Library" >Open up library, its full of over 50 notes from the previous play through. No good way to sort them or tell which one i picked up because it used to say Unread, but i read it last playtrhough. >Fuck this, I want to experience it like the first time >Start new save file.
Xavier Sullivan
>playing video games is fine
>but being an annoying and insufferable autist who keeps playing the same trash game over and over again and still enjoys sucking up the same dogshit content is just the pinnacle of faggotry
>im especially talking about dark souls and skyrim players
I have NG+ pornhub several times now. At first I strictly followed the light route, but then I discovered that the dark route had so much more depth and now I can’t go back
Austin Baker
Be honest. Did you make this thread just to show us your Wojak/Frog collection?
This. NG+ usually just sucks. IT's sad that it's the only way to actually access the higher difficulties in Souls though, because what I really want to do is start a fresh run with a completely new build.
Adam Peterson
>Krautfag >Avira How are you even able to post on this site?
Brody Martinez
The difference between Dark Souls and Skyrim is that the latter has near endless content thanks to the modding scene being one of the largest in gaming the former are just snoyniggers enjoying their only game
Tyler Wood
I wouldn't call playing the same game but with an oiled up bimbo content...
Dylan Rivera
i just want to know what game you are talking about.
Kayden Jackson
NG+ players are based, it proves they enjoy the game for what it is and not driven by some monkey-brained compulsion to finish games and move on to the next because thats what you do.