Battlefield V: Dice dropping support for the game

What Went Wrong?

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battlefield Vagina hahaha

It's a lost cause, even the most diehard fans are unhappy with it.

I wonder if they'll get a slight inkling that maybe attempting to rewrite history in order to shove niggers and dishwashers down peoples throats doesn't sell.

What didn't go wrong ?

Well deserved failure.

They thought they could beat gamers.

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Wanted social justice revisionism over making a good game.
Which doesn't mean they would have made a good game without it either way. There hasn't been a good Battlefield since Bad company 2. And they outright came out and said they had no idea what made BC2 good.

Wait I thought the last game they made was Battlefield 1, my brain is rotting.

still can't believe they fucking censored "white man"

So much for Tides of War

uneducated entitled sexist racist bigoted nazi gamers

Pandering as hard as they did to a demographic that wouldn't buy it in the first place while alienating the one(s) that would is not a winning move.

Likes on social media aren't the same thing as dollars in the bank. You can't pay your staff in upvotes and +1's.

It was announced with a trailer that was immediately divisive, regardless of how you feel about it. Rather than shutting up and letting it burn out, they doubled down on one side of the argument, telling the others "We don't want your money". And they didn't get those people's money. They split developers between the main gameplay that everyone likes and a trend-chasing battle royale mode that launched so late that it missed the mark by several months and was completely forgotten in a matter of days, not even weeks.
Post-launch updates that have happened have all been pretty mediocre, lacklustre, whatever you want to call them, barely interesting enough to keep people coming back to launch the game at all.
CoD warzone releasing and having lots of "classic battlefield moments".
BF4 and BF3 have gotten a lot more players as of late, I think everyone saw the writing on the wall.

Just kill it already, the game was dead since the trailer.

Being the worst game in the series does that to you. This game just feels like amateur hour after the massive production that bf1 was. How do you fuck up a concept like ww2 with destruction with tanks and planes? By having everyone run around with katanas and hearing women cry every 5 seconds

they thought their fans will eat anything up like cod fans do

Guilty as charged.

It got support for almost 2 years, how much more did you want?

It had a surprising lack of content when it came out. Iconic maps, guns and factions were entirely missing from a WWII game. Seriously you think of WWII you think of a lot of iconic shit and none of it was in BF5

You FUCKING NAZIS! didn't buy the game because it triggered you incel rage! That's what went wrong, triggered nazi incels!

The most concerning thing is how BF1 had a long line of easter eggs up to the release of BFV. 4 and hardline had lots to tease up BF1's release even. But BFV has had nothing, I think they genuinely don't know what they want to do with bf6, and don't have any plans. the chinese sneeze has probably made it even harder.


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Battlefield V has some cute af waifus and bulldozing buildings with light tanks is funny. otherwise it was a shit game.

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why is his mouth like that?

Openly insulting their player base and having people like Trevor Noah promote the game.

does this game have a server browser? how many players?

>telling the others "We don't want your money
lol that guy got fired


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You don't recognize the jokester?

imagine being a hardened thief but you get hired by this guy and he demands you perform a dance number every time you wanna rob a place

Did they ever put in tank customization?

>released broken and barely working
>shit maps
>constantly contradicted themselves with patches that completely changed weapon balance and time to kill in bizarre ways no one asked for
>one of said game ruining patches came immediately after the only content update universally liked by the fanbase
>at time of writing the game has far less content than previous games in the series at their respective lifetime

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