How can the final fantasy franchise be saved at this point?

How can the final fantasy franchise be saved at this point?

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stop making games that play themselves and go back to a party system with meaningful choices

XV was absolutely worse than VII Remake, so I think your chosen image is a bit irrelevant to your question.

So I'll answer with this: Put Hiroyuki Ito back in charge, swap over more DQXI staff, ditch Nomura and put a mandatory remote-detonated implant into every member that explodes if they take longer than 4 years to develop a game.

stop trying to appeal to coomers aka trannies aka incels and go back to making art like the first games

That image is showing very clearly that both games are shit.

FF7R and FF15 are equally bad, FFVIIR just has nostalgia and zoomer pandering going for it.

>How can the ifnal fantasy franchise be saved at this point?
We need Sakaguchi and Nobuo Uematsu back, FF is a shell of its former self because the creators are gone. This is why Dragon Quest is doing well, the creators are still in charge after all this time.

The fact that FF7R has more than one vote (Barry) is the real tragedy with this remake, honestly.

How did we get to this point? How can you fuck up something so simple as remaking FF7?

Nigger dragon quest is literally the same fucking game every iteration.

I feel like JRPGs translate extremely badly into AAA games. When I think of my favorite JRPGs they usually were about traveling through the world and going on an adventure, if you try to make something with AAA budget and realism in mind you end up with garbage like FFXV. A shit open world instead of traveling through an entire world and seeing all kinds of bioms and villages. It would be insanely costly to make multiple big cities and an entire world of feasible size.

Stop trying to make party-based combat revolve around a single character. That only makes sense in MMOs when every character is a different player.

Better to stay the same than constantly trying to reinvent itself and failing miserably at it.

Saying one is worse doesn't mean the other is flawless or great.

Why are modern JRPGs so scared to feature a classic overworld?

Nomura needs out
A lot of the old guard do
The FFXIV team makes FFXVI with some help from Taro
Get some of the smaller teams and get them to work on FFXVII
Generally get some fresh blood pumped into the series
Also get better production time. Yoshi can spit out XVI in a couple years during a restructuring to make sure the series is giving games every couple of years

Don't ask me, probably because they don't look bombastic enough. I feel like it really worked for tales of vesperia, but even that game is old as fuck by now.

So just like FFXV's team?

XVs "team" was so unstructured and passed hands too many times
If squeenix gets a few people and just have them go start to finish it'd be fine. But shit like Nomura and Tabata fucked it over

But structuring a team is the tradtional old guard way of doing business....

XV is literally an example of that not being the case
>There are 300 people in the development team, working on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions. The team structure is flat without any of the traditional hierarchy of large-scale game development because director Hajime Tabata wants everyone to be aware of any possible issues and decisions, with every member encouraged to pitch in.

Square Enix seems to have a pathological need to "innovate", ever since X and the turn based system disappeared. To save these games, we need to go back to pure turn based or ATB at least, have overworlds, job system, crysytals, and maybe, just maybe, VERY detailed 2D graphics, Metal Slug-tier sprites. It would be better than low effort chibi, more charming than gay realism that is outdated after 4-5 years, and would be easier/cheaper to churn out as well. Go back to the basics, the fundamentals of what JRPGs are, and build up from there.

I'm waiting to see if his singleplayer project crashes and burns.

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I liked em both
>When Tabata took over from Nomura, the entire development team was reshuffled and development started over again
This game is infamous for the terrible management and changing team structure user, are you pretending to be retarded?

You're responding to bait

let nomura keep directing the games.
hire tadashi satomi to write the games.
get suzuhito yasuda to do the art.

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They also have many different franchises and they still sell turn based RPG games for their other franchises.

even Reddit hates the remake

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>Massive development studio needs to create a sparkly glorified indie game to test the waters
So are you just playing at being retarded or do you just not realise what a colossal waste of money and manpower that would be?
Your bitching could simply be addressed with them going for a more stylised look like Kingdom Hearts and actually putting a director with some vision in charge of the game instead of a fatass waifufag or a feeble old man.
Stop asking for the return of old titans when they're well past their prime and have earned their retirement.

Didn't 7R sold like a lot? I say that whatever they are doing at doing it just fine, if you are asking for anything good to come from the franchise, then that's a hard no, hopefully you enjoy 7R 15 and 13 because those are an example of whatever we will get in the future.

Cool, why don't you fuck off back there and stay there?

Yeah they should've hand the project to Tabata since the beginning I agree. Then they wouldn't have to reshuffle.

it sold a lot because people thought it was a remake

>Yeah they should've hand the project to Tabata since the beginning I agree.
yeah, i mean, tabata is known for his incredible instincts when it comes to game design. what could have gone wrong?

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because I enjoy playing with you shills


are you implying that isn't the truth?

But you just complained about how it was reshuffled because it wasn't under Tabata the first time around...

Casualization is the general trend of FF since it left the Famicom. They want an easier game with more setpieces, cool bosses, cutscenes, memorable characters and areas, and absolutely no brutal difficulty spikes on the main story. The team considers the original FF3 to be a failure to this day because people had to grind for the last dungeon.

Tabata is known for Type-0, which is the most hardcore FF title to date. Yes even more hardcore than Dissidia.

They're appealing to graphics whores and "deep" gameplay as a response to criticism of how shallow old games are without realizing they are sacrificing everything that made JRPGs good. Also, it makes sense to go 2D, at least for a game or two, as a response and apology for delaying their games for a fucking decade at a time. It's the least they owe fans. If there's another XV/XIII/VIIR-tier disaster, I'm permanently calling it quits and might even quit playing DQ as well, just so I don't give any money to their company. If you really are a fan, you need to demand quality and 3D graphics are way too difficult for these zipperheads to figure out, clearly. They are incapable of delivering quality in a timely manner and 3D is simply out of reach.
Change has brought nothing but ruin to JRPGs for the last 20 fucking years. You'd think the gooks would figure it out. Don't fix what isn't broken and no, the old games weren't that broken, at least in comparison to the absolute puke they're spewing.

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FFXV was probably the best game in the entire series. You contrarians just hate it because everyone else loves it.

i still have no idea how type-0's combat system ever got made with tabata as the director, especially when you compare it to xv or even crisis core. that is the fluke of a lifetime.

I disagree about 3d in general. I think that the titles like DQ9 and bravely default are at a pretty good place where they can still have their 3d models without detracting from the experience of the game.

It has brought FF franchise to be the premier title in JRPGs.. but other than that yeah. But like I said, you want turn based, there are turn based. Hell all the famous mobages are turn based. That's the secret to their success right? Being turn-based?

>because everyone else loves it.

Yeah, nothing says high-demand like cancelling all your story-based DLC and Tabata's "willing" resignation.

In FF7R you were at least required to press a button multiple times instead of holding it for combat.