Its another free planets alliance episode

>its another free planets alliance episode
They couldve just removed it and everything would have been better. No need to drag it to a 100 episodes

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Other urls found in this thread:

FPA is the more interesting faction of the two, the problem is Yang being an obnoxious Mary Sue. Imagine how better it would be if the FPA protagonist was Trunicht.

>it's another frognigger drops a retard take thread
We could just rangeban frogposters and everything would be better. No need to fill the catalogue with 100 recycled threads

Go cry about Kircheis dumb frog poster

Cry harder monarcuck

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what the actual fuck dude are you a genuine moron

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T. Seething empiretard
The first battle of Iserlohn was among the most exciting parts of the series.

Yeah, just remove the most morally justifiable people from your setting. Fucking awesome!

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>its another Phezzani episode
>its another dose of endless jewish scheming and plotting
>they get BTFO in the end anyway
I guess that makes it worth it

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Without the FPA episodes, we wouldn't have Rebelo, the best character in the series

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How does it feel to die alone in one corner of a no name ship?


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Is Legend of the galactic heroes any good?

If you're planning to, gtfo spoilers are everywhere in this thread

Yes go watch it and get the fuck out of the thread before you get spoiled

Was it autism?

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No he was the Director of the Based Department

Burn in hell, NGEfag.

Gtfo off this thread and watch it.

Yes, leave this thread and go watch it

Who was the nigga in charge of Legal? The Not-a-cop who busted in the shoot those earth cult cunts
Had like 5 scenes over 3 episodes and based in everyone


>Nothing will ever fill the void LotGH left
No books, TV shows, vidya, or movies that are both similar and good.

Kesler? Lutz?

What's a vidya that's closest to LOGH in terms of gameplay and perfection?

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Infinite Space, that one SotSE LoGH mod

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This guy represents german autism perfectly

War and Peace by Tolstoy

It's true. FPA also has way shittier characters in general. Exception; Rosenritter gang, Bucock, based bread man.

Felt like the imperials (especially the admirals) were incompetent in battle, more often than not. Even Reinhard as a strategist was only superior during the first half of the series. After that he slowly lost his cunning. He fares better as a tactician though

I know that feel brah.

You forgot someone, friend.

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>fpaggots cant even make their own content and had to use an imperial character to insult based kaiser

Yang gets a fuckload of plot armor, and iirc there's a long stretch of time in the middle of the show where he never has to face off against the Empire's top admirals in a pitched battle

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Uhhh Logh is vidya right guys?

Doremi is pretty much a Mahou Shoujo logh

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Post the screencap that's like "Despite knowing it's a trap, whatshisface chooses to push forward anyway" and the guy is looking really smug about it.

Are you fucking with me, user?

>Uhhh Logh is vidya right guys?
It doesn't have to be. It's perfection-manifested and therefore transcends the concept of boards. It goes and is posted wherever it pleases.

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kek how did I miss this