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sorry that doom 3 is shit


better than your Mario spin-off Doom Eternal: No Ammo Edition

>he says while defending a FEAR clone

I always liked Doom 3 as a horror shooter. Bad Doom game though.

There's nothing bad in trying to mimicking other games if executed correctly.
There are a lot of games that were inspired by other games and got it right.

god of war for example cloned DMC3 and threw Greece into it and called it a game and people loved it

I'm sorry you were part of id's slump towards making tech demos.

>if executed correctly.
not the case for Doom 3. They had to re-release it twice to unfuck it and still failed

>muh tech demo meme
I bet you are one of those zoomers who shit on HL2 calling it a 'tech demo bad lol XD"

Doom3 released before Fear.

neither game is good

Doom 3 sold more than 1, 2, 64, and Ultimate.
now cope

>walk into a room
>backwards whispering
>imp teleports behind you
>kill it

you do this for about nine hours, not counting the expansion packs

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Not him, but HL2 is a tech demo. They reduced ammo counts for the gimmick gun, we never got a real boss fight and this lead to the " you made it this far enjoy an easy when as all enemies fall over from you " end run.

>walks into a room
>20 monsters appear
>go to another room
>do some monkey jumps and bing bing wahoo platforming
>now repeat the above for 10 hours

>it sold the most, therefore its great
Shit, CoD games must be one of the best games of all time!

I don't really hate or shit on Doom 3, nor HL2, but it's really kind of barebones. It gets repetitive about 2 levels in with it's lame attempts at scaring you and the only thing left after that is Betruger laughing at you.

is this the same OP that thought the cancelled Doom 4 prototype is better than Doom 2016?

that description makes this it sound based though

So is it actually scary or is it just forced jumpscares and amnesia level darkness?

The latter. They got rid of it on the BFG edition for a reason.

Also, to the OP. Next time try to use a VPN if you're gonna samefag.

Give it a try.
nobody can give you an accurate description of horror because everyone has a different degree of scary-o-meter

Most likely the same, but what can you do.

Mostly the second, but the enviromental design's still fantastic, and some of the weapons are great, like the chaingun and rocket launcher.
Fuck that shotgun, though

It's worse. It's an FPS game that tries to be horror but uses every single trope in the book

OP here, no I never talked or cared about the canceled Doom 4.
if someone says such a thing, it's obviously a bored shitposter because we don't know anything about that game except it was in a city and has tactical shooting gameplay like CoD.

Well I didn't think this was scary when I heard most people tell me otherwise.
What's wrong with the shotgun?
Run through the tropes for me?

Attached: amnesia-the-dark-descent-8791-1680x1050.jpg (1600x1000, 130.34K)

I always liked it. Shit goes off the rails once you get the cube

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>What's wrong with the shotgun?
Worst spread in video game history. It's practically a melee weapon

>shit goes off the rails when you get the item that literally removes all difficulty from the game

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>What's wrong with the shotgun?
nothing. some fag just complaining because the shotgun was too powerful in that game

Doom 3 is good. There are no genuinely bad Doom games.

>only effective if you're literally right next to them
Are you that desperate to the point you link the only video that defends the weapon?

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But I like my bang bang shooty

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Guess what
Call of duty are pretty good games.
So is fortnite.
You can lose your shit all you want, wonder why you're the only person on the planet with good taste
But most people who play those games enjoy them, and they're not insanely popular without merit.

I have a hard time believing this is a doom game, what the fuck were they thinking?

Shotguns are known to be most effective at close range, dumbass.

>ooo spooky whispers leading you somewhere
>hehe it's a totally unconspicuous pickup in a dimly lit, red area
>bro we just spawned an enemy behind you!!
>bro spooky visions!
>bro demonic spirits fling shit at you!
I'm probably forgetting some

>still has to run up to Imps until you can see their fucking pores
>n-no it's not a bad weapon
It's just proving the point.

that's bad because...?

>Shotguns are known to be most effective at close range, dumbass.
Oh my god it gets even better

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>all that cringe to be funny
stop trying too hard like an edgy little kids.

Horror DLC for Doom Eternal when?

>Call of duty are pretty good games.
>So is fortnite.

lol no

The user just asked me to run him by the tropes. Whatever wording I used, those shitty tropes are still there and Doom 3 still isn't a scary game in the slightest.

sounds like you're just bad