Ive been up for the past 65 hours and just beat this...

Ive been up for the past 65 hours and just beat this. It was pretty decent the way some people talk about it they made it seem like a souless Chinese knockoff of Yakuza but its not. The DLC was trash though. Is this getting a sequel how do you improve on the world?

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>Is this getting a sequel how do you improve on the world?
he doesn't know

>Is this getting a sequel

>Is this getting a sequel how do you improve on the world?
A-user, I...

Attached: 1585859864633.png (810x810, 514.41K)

still waiting on that sequel

Jackie's death was stupid. Gonna make me drive out to some remote location to save him from being buried alive, just to kill him off screen a mission later? It's like they couldn't make up their mind on whether or not they wanted the character dead. Yeah it's a pretty good game.

I wish man
Yeah Jackie dying sucked his death could’ve been handled better.

wait its not happening I cant have shit

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Too bad the driving was not fun at all. And the map was kind of small.

Eh. I just wanted True Crime HK. Wasnt disappointed. Dunno why cunts get this thinking its Yakuza: Triad Version. Its just more True Crime. At least its better than NY.

Nah the team disbanded and gods know who the fuck has the license for this IP, was it guerrilla?
Idk, anyways this game coming out was actually a miracle of its own, IIRC, this game originally was supposed to be a part of the true crime series, this time on hong kong, but it got scratched and turned on its own thing. you can still see a little bit of true crime here and there with the cop/triad system and stuff.
And honestly thank god they made it its own thing, true crime was a wack ass series no one ever played

driving got pretty fun in a janky arcade way the moment you get the spy car. Too bad that was like 75% into the game.

>Dunno why cunts get this thinking its Yakuza: Triad Version
Literally dumb weebs obsessed with Japane. They literally see "Asian Crime Gang" and then pretend it tries to ape on the only familiar Asian Crime Media they consumed.
They're nothing alike from the setting, to the gameplay, to even the fucking genre. Yakuza is (mostly) an over-the-top beat em up RPG that takes more inspiration from Kunio-Kun/River City than anything while Sleeping Dogs is an action-adventure "Asian GTA" focusing on hand-to-hand combat that (mostly) takes itself seriously.

Man you dont seem to know shit about Yakuza either
Yakuza takes itself VERY serious, most of the scenes are straight out of a J-drama. The wacky shit is either Majima or some sidestory.

I do, which is why I said "mostly." I will admit that I haven't played every Yakuza entry, but you can't tell me Yakuza takes itself more seriously than Sleeping Dogs does when the combat in Yakuza 7 is the way it is because the MC is a massive Dragon Quest fanboy.
There are plenty of serious moments within the series, but just because something is serious doesn't mean it can't be over-the-top as well. Sleeping Dogs (outside of the DLC) grounds itself in reality, with very few moments in the main campaign being over-the-top.

Yeah that was one of the things I was disappointed about SD. I was hoping itd have similar tone as LA.

Eitherway, still better than NY.

Sleeping Dogs vs Hong Kong 97?

It was done like that on purpose to show the player that no matter what you do or how many times you save him, Jackie will die.

Yeah well, we don't talk about Y7 at all dude.
And even then Y7 has some serious as fuck moments.
And Sleeping dogs is full of wacky shit as well, you got characters like Jackie, A MAN WHO DOES NOT EAT PORK BUN ISNT A WHOLE MAN, dumb as fuck outfits.
I mean the connections are there, but they're clearly a different genre, albeit with some similarities. I think they key is that one is a western game and the other is a full on japanese game and that's how you mostly can tell them apart on design choices.

Sleeping Dogs is a True Crime game. You can only really compare it to LA or NY.

This game has True Crime written all over it, it's basically a True Crime clone.

It's nothing like Yakuza, the tone and obviously the cultures are completely different. Gameplay ain't nothing similar.

> you got characters like Jackie, A MAN WHO DOES NOT EAT PORK BUN ISNT A WHOLE MAN, dumb as fuck outfits.

You literally just described an average day in downtown Kowloon lol

I envy you. At least you played it well after the series is dead. I managed to beat it right before the release of that sleeping dogs triad mmo abortion.

IT IS True Crime. I dont get how people forgot that the working title for this was True Crime:HK/Black Lotus. They lost the rights to the True Crime and Black Lotus names. Hence Sleeping Dogs. There were heaps of articles about this as well.

>e the release of that sleeping dogs triad mmo ab
yakuza fags whats a good starting point for the series?


I don't really read about video games, I just remember getting this game and expecting GTA but getting blown away with nostalgia for a PS2 game I had to go find to remember.

In any case, I think Sleeping Dragons is a really good game.

Try Yakuza 1 or 2, and then turn that shit off when you remember Way of the Samurai is superior in every way.

Like 70%? Done with the game and spoiled myself with this thread, so I got a question, why is Jackie's death even a thing? Sure he means a lot to Wei, but he only just now started to finally do something, and then got abducted, I assume he dies in the mission I am about to play which would be dumb considering it would be such a forced death. Is it just like when rikiya dies in yakuza 3 and it's just a waste?

its more to highlight the dead end that is the family's in Sleeping dogs but the way its reveal its fucking retarded.

It represented Jackie's naivety for idolizing a gang and how he kept getting into increasingly dangerous situations because of it. He even acknowledged it but still refused to back out until it was far too late.

If you dont wanna emulate, Kiwami or 0 is fine, you can play those in whatever order you want since they're the default starting points now.
Kiwami 1 is very basic and barebones compared to 0 which is probably one of the strongest entries in the series
If you wanna emulate and get the full package go 1 and 2 then 0, and if you feel like it afterwards K1 and K2 and the buy the remastered collection for 3 4 and 5.
After that you can play Judgment or 6 (Judgment is fucking great and not related to mainline at all)

Why do some of you fags keep wanting newcomers to start from Kiwami when 0 is much better.

Nishiki's whole tragedy is downplayed while majima becomes annoying rather than endearing if you don't start from 0 and go straight into Kiwami instead.

I literally told him he should start with 0 instead
To be honest every newcomer should emulate 1 and 2 to see if they actually wanna be invested with the series, if they start with 0 they might just get spoiled and drop the franchise altogether.

>Complaint about the combat on Yakuza 6
>Then Yakuza 7 combat happens
Fuck everything.

don't worry, it sucks anyways

Such a good game for the setting and Kung fu combat idea. It’s execution was a bit weak, like a blander GTA but I would love a sequel.