This is what the final roster

>This is what the final roster
>But they never make another smash
Do you take it?

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Shit, ignore that “what”
I wrote that by accident

>they never make another smash
All you had to say

>no porky
>no take

They aren't going to make another anyway.

>they never make another smash
Where do I sign?

yeah there's some real shit picks here but it has my favorites so 10/10 last smash I need

>no more rosterfags on Yas Forums
I'm in.

Are you nuts? It's basically a flagship franchise now, if Sakurai doesn't direct it someone else will.

>aero bat
>no leon
>no zero
not good enough, but if its that or nothing i guess i'll take it

Here, nigga!

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>Earthworm Jim
>Cranky kong
Hell yes I take it!

The newest game is literally called Ultimate and there are like 75 characters what do we need another game for?

There. Now take the smash threads away, Satan

this is league levels of overpopulation on a roster

It’s called special in japan, you turboautist

Money, you utter fool. Why would they stop making something that sells?

>4 Undertale characters
What the fuck were you smoking?

I'm gonna level with you user, what the actual fuck is this?

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I found the image on the internet, didn’t take a look at what was in it

No, half of those characters are literal whos. The game needs to focus on the characters that actually represent Nintendo's best franchises.

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>Daffy duck

>there are like 75 characters
That's still a small number. But OP's pic is not ideal, especially given how all over the place it is.

>Dr. Marth and Dr. Ike
I want those as skins in future games now.

How’s this?

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Mew would unironically be based as hell. Imagine the ultimate lifeform, transforming into shitloads of Pokémon and utilizing countless moves as well not only for the specials but even the standard/smash attacks. Plus he's cute as well.

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>Hades but no Viridi
how about no

>they never make another smash
You got a deal.

From what frame of reference is 75 distinctive characters a small number? Sure, you can conceive of a lot more, but then you're deep into absurdity and you lose whatever semblance of overarching theme there is left.

I think not.

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Louie, eggman, metal sonic and hades make it worth it.

Solaire over chosen undead and knuckle joe over any other kirby character makes no fucking sense though.

Based as fuck user

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When you look at the entirety of the roster from all Smash games and realize who got in and who still hasn't been added. It looks like a big number, but it's relatively small and just as absurd as the 200+ rosters posted.

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>But they never make another smash