>Character commits numerous horrible crimes primarily to grab power
>Treated as a misunderstood good boy by people in universe and delusional landwhales out of universe
>Developers try to give him a redemption arc in the next installment because he was popular with the fans, not needing to actually atone for his crimes one bit.
Pic unrelated of course :^). Everybody knows any Fire Emblem game before Awakening has perfect writing.
Goro Akechi
Other urls found in this thread:
>character is shit
>but look at this one character from a completely different series, aren't they shit too?
what even is your agenda, OP
OP here. I'm gay btw if that matters.
I have no agenda. I just needed a totally unrelated image for my Goro Akechi thread.
It's a transparent attempt at shitting on pre-Awakening FE. That being said though Michalis' case differs depending on if it's the remake or not. In Mystery he actually did atone for his sins when he died stealing the Starlight tome from Gharnef. Marth would have been fucked without since they'd have no way to beat him. New Mystery however is pretty much how OP described it and instead of dying he lives to rule Mecedon again even though he's the one responsible for fucking it up in the first place. It's total bullshit and is one of the many reasons why New Mystery is a shitty game.
ya seethe?
>Blaming FE3 for the retardation of FE12
You're one of those idiots who thinks FE11 is a remake of FE1, aren't you?
>Character commits numerous horrible crimes primarily to grab power
One, Alvis does one hienous act that to his perspective isn't heinous at all. He's killing a man who paraded himself conquering half the continent as he advanced.
>Treated as a misunderstood good boy by people in universe
Not really, he's hardly brought up in Gen 1, and everyone hates him in Gen 2.
>Developers try to give him a redemption arc in the next installment
Alvis doesn't appear in Persona 5. In Gen 2 he doesn't really gets redeemed as much as Alvis himself does his best to unfuck his own fuckup while still playing the role of a villain at the same time. An Equivalent Analogy would be if Goro by the end laid out all the keys to Shido's palace without your team knowing and then himself showing up as a boss to try and stop you anyways.
>any fire emblem game that takes place in the marthverse
>good writing
>Developers try to give him a redemption arc in the next installment because he was popular with the fans, not needing to actually atone for his crimes one bit.
But they go full throttle with Akechi being an irredeemable sociopath. The shit he says in the thieves den is just him enjoying being a monster.
That's Michalis bro.
desu i don't blame you for not playing any of the archanea games
>pre-Awakening FE
FE12 doesn't really count as being pre-FE13, given just how much shit that FE13 is known for was actually being demo'd back in FE12. My Units, support conversations that turn characters from Dragon Quest-esque enjoyably bland to obnoxious anime jokes, ridiculously punishing harder difficulties, turning Catria into a punchline...
No, that's clearly Touga Kiryuu from Utena.
Question. I know the "hardcore" Fire Emblem fans shit their adult diapers over Awakening for being casual or whatever but Sacred Stones is the easiest game in the series and came out nearly two decades ago. Were there 1-7 fags having autism fits over Sacred Stones when it came out like you see nowadays with Fateswakening?
Yes. There's people to this day that bitch about how Seth can solo the game and it's legit easier than actually trying.
I played FEH tho and Michalis is my tsundere onahole wife!
>noooo these optional characters that go against the FE spirit mean that this remake isn't a remake
that's michalis tho
And it's official, you have no fucking idea which game FE11 is a remake of.
Michalis surviving in FE12 changes almost nothing about his redemption arc.
FE12 didn't add his redemption arc, it was in the game. He only survived it but Michalis got nothing out of it other than the player getting to use him.
Michalis surviving and getting away with patricide and joining the bad guys before going off to make a new army fucking ruins his redemption arc, idiot.
What game is it a remake of then, retard? It's a straight remake of the first fucking game with updated mechanics and extra content. No Book 2, no other continents, just the same shit as FE1.
>disliking seth emblem
It's a remake of FE3 Book 1, not FE1. The 1-2 range shooters are now 3-10 range ballista, knights promote to generals, hunters promote to horsemen, and FE11 Chapter 16's map is modeled after FE3 Chapter 13 and not FE1 Chapter 16. The presence of the missing chapters and characters from FE1 does not make it an FE1 remake, it makes it an FE3 Book 1 remake.
>I don't like Minerva's FE3 ending one little bit. But this Michalis thing... no. Not happy. Not happy with this AT ALL.
>Mitigating the godawful bleakness of Archanea is one thing. Upending the apparent moral balance of the universe wherein murdering your father in cold blood is just simply Not OK and making it... OK... disturbs me.
>Honestly, this change pisses me off, as much as it is silly to get upset about a taken-out-of-context tidbit from a game not even translated yet. But part of what I like about Archanea (and FE in general) is that there are, you know, RULES. The end is not allowed to justify the means, and up to now there was clearly a line in the sand that Michalis and some other characters crossed-- and they paid for it. If Michalis gets a happy ending, why the flying fuck does Hardin have to die? Michalis wasn't even possessed when he did any of his crimes. Why don't we go flying over to Jugdral and wrap Trabant and Alvis up in a big hug, tell them everything's OK, and then they can party with Celice and Altenna and the rest of the kids?
>And you know what? A living, breathing, cleaned-up and pretty Michalis just negates one the most gut-punching moments in the FE3 script... when Minerva lies to her little sister. Thanks, IS!
You're a fucking idiot.
Michalis's 'redemption' was ultra shitty, but it was pretty obviously just an excuse to let you use him as a unit since his involvement with the story ends after then. If you could stomach Kris up to then, another bit of bad writing isn't going to change your opinion on the game, which still does gameplay right.
>gameplay takes priority over character in Fire Emblem
No, fuck you. FE14 is fucking awful and unplayable. The fact that its characters are all fucking rancid just compounds how I can't get past even the first chapter of Conquest Lunatic.
lol just don't visit the village with Minerva and he still dies as usual
That doesn't change the problem, that's ignoring the problem by being a snide asshole.
That's why I said it's not going to change whatever opinion you had on the game up to that point, dumbass. If you're someone who prioritizes gameplay, whatever. If you're someone who prioritizes >>>>writing in FE of all series, you'd have hated 12 long before then with all the other changes it had made.
>missing out on CQ gameplay because of story autism
Your loss