What games like Onimusha that has Ancient Japan settings with ninjas and samurais AND not stupidly hard like Ninja...

What games like Onimusha that has Ancient Japan settings with ninjas and samurais AND not stupidly hard like Ninja Gaiden games?
I don't know why most games like this are incredibly hard like Sekiroh and Nioh

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Tenchu? Even that might be hard, I can't remember

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Because we can't have nice things.

Way of the Samurai (1 specifically, can't vouch for the rest) is absolute kino but I guarantee that game will ravage your ass for at least a playthrough or two

Nioh. Literally the only series of games that has exactly the middleground you want.
It's not as hard as Ninja Gaiden, but it's the best you can get.

If you want something similar but in Ancient Rome, get Shadow of Rome on PS2. Game's better than it deserves to be.

As the samurai said, the road to victory is filled with challenge and great trials.
In other words: git gud you worthless faggot. You got good at Onimusha, there's no excuse.

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I beat Sekiro but I want a comfy Fuedel Japan experience, not something to make me rage quit at every boss.

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Honestly, try the later Onimusha games if you haven't already. 2, 3 and Dawn of Dreams are fantastic. If you want a Samurai in a Wild West... go for Samurai West.
Look dude, I'm stumped as all hell, and that's because there's not a lot of good, but easy samurai games in ancient feudal Japan.
Hell, Feudal Japan is a niche topic in it of itself, and nobody likes it anyways despite how actually beautiful and badass ancient Japan was.

Genji: Days of the Blade

already did beat 2 and 3 many times. didn't like Dawn of Animu so I dropped it halfway.
Yeah, it's kinda disappointing that we don't have much Ancient Japan games outside Souls clones.

I'm still waiting for the day that Assassin's Creed does Japan

Was going to try it but heard it was a mediocre/bad game?

Genji is basically just an upgraded Warlords. The PS3 version WAS the mediocre/bad game.

Try Shinobido on the PS2. Amazing little hidden game. You pretty much play as a ninja in feudal Japan, and the gameplay essentially consists of you selecting missions from 3 different lords that can take place in a number of different areas. There's also a pretty decent alchemy system where you can craft explosives and whatnot. The better you do on missions, the more trust you'll earn from the lord and more money. If you get spotted by someone and they live/die on a mission, the lord that you were acting against will be informed and you'll lose a lot of their trust. Different endings too, depending on which lord you went with.

Honestly really fucking good game, I don't get how more people don't know about it. You can emulate it pretty well on PCSX2. Didn't age that badly either, the gameplay is still pretty tight

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Yakuza Kenzan/Ishin is also good, but it's moon runes only

Oh, didn't know there was a PS2 game.
Gonna check it out, thanks.

Did a quick google and it looks like Tenchu.
gonna try it too.

Way of the Samurai Series
Way of the Samurai 2 and 3 are the best

Yeah, it's a lot like Tenchu, but more fluid to control. From what I recall, it had a lot of the same people that worked on Tenchu work on it. It's very different from Tenchu though, in that Tench is very linear in design, whereas this is a lot more open ended, you just kinda work on missions to earn lords' trust until they help you out with a story mission. You unlock the alchemy halfway through the game, it's definitely worth learning how to use it

Is Onimusha more of a slow DMC or fast RE?

Fast RE.
If you like RE or DMC, you gotta love these games.
the only issue with these games are the English dub.
it's awful in every game.

ghost of tisushima might come out this year and it is made by the infamous devs. it probably wont be hard because all infamous games are piss easy.

Play Tenchu series.

It really does feel like the missing intermediary piece between classic RE and DMC1. More focus on RE, but still very close to what DMC1 was going for.

>the only issue with these games are the English dub.
Capcom dialogue is invariably terrible in the best way possible. In Onimusha it really feels like a bad kung fu dub from the 70s or something, especially in 2.


You could try Blood Will Tell. It's more ancient Japan mythology, but it's a good game.

So far I'm gonna try these:
Way of The Samurai Portable
Genji: Dawn of the Samurai
Way of the Samurai
Shadow of Rome
Blood Will Tell

thanks anons

sure ninja gaiden is tough, but it's worth it
give it a try user

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>Capcom dialogue is invariably terrible
>in the best way possible

Stop being such a fucking shitter and play Ninja Gaiden it's better than Onimusha.

>ghost of hiroshima

I know OP asked for easier games but you don't have to bring up literal garbage user.

The GOAT hack and slash action game. Still hasn't been beaten. Not even by its sequels.

>ghost of hiroshima
god dammit, now i'm aware i'll never play a hybrid between onimusha and shadow of chernobyl

is the one on Vita worth it?
I don't have Xbox and there are no working emus for them but I have a Vita.