Who should have been romanceable in the ME series that wasn’t?
Who should have been romanceable in the ME series that wasn’t?
The Normandy
Eve, you should have cucked all Krogans out of a future, by dicking her so well she only wanted human cock from that point onwards,
Legion, so you changed the core programming of all Geth to being subs for their Quarian masters.
Samara so you could blast rope and give her a once in a millenium facial.
the rachni queen
>date Legion
>hit it off really well
>Legion returns to the Geth servers
>Geth consensus is now in love with Shepard
>tfw an entire robot species want to get into Shepard's pants, Dreadnaughts and all
samara is the only answer
Are you kidding? Robot camel toe queen EDI in ME3.
If they breathe, they should have been romancable.
>Tfw just finished my trilogy playthrough
>Now all I feel is pain
How did they fuck it up so bad bros? I’m not even angry I’m just sad.
a>Commander, there are numerous Geth dreadnaughts on a collision course with Vancouver and they're broadcasting this message on all bands!
Man of taste right here, I'd add Samara, because who doesn't want to be the meat in a space-milf sandwich.
This 100%
Fuck bioware for blueballing me.
yourself. You should have had the option to make shepard a coomer
You should have been around when it was released.
On release date we didn't even get an epilogue.
Your pic op, of course.
Romancing Kasumi would have been in bad taste. She was still in morning over her dead partner.
"Hey wanna fuck?"
"Sure but I'm going to play my dead bfs holo for old time sake."
The message at the end of the game was “buy more DLC” instead of “thank you for your support and feedback” before the patch as well.
Your mum
All of the green asari plant clones.
Obvious answer
Oh shit thanks for reminding me.
>Saren's sloppy seconds
Can’t believe that this is the message the franchise went out on.
femshep + joker maybe
Garrus for Men.
Fuck everyone else I want to be with my bro.
>being afraid of birddick
I'm not a dicklet
For Mshep.
>not a single Salarian waifu
I have the same body type.
I'm not even a girl.
I want him to hold the line (aka muh dick)
99% of them are huge bitches and the only good one is stuck in Andromeda
>just played through 1, 2, and 3 back to back
>start Andromeda
>immediately feels wrong
It's pretty amazing how off it feels. Like, it kinda sorta looks right, but everything is just a bit... uncomfortable. The camera is too far away, the controls feel too loose in some places and too tight in others, things are bound to odd keys, the dialogue camera feels unfinished, and the uncanny valley that was fairly noticeable in the original trilogy is dialed up to 111 here. I can still force myself through it, but damn is the adjustment to frostbite rough.
>the only good one is stuck in Andromeda
Mordin isn't in andromeda
>Beat the game by luring him into bed and slitting his throat mid-jizz.
Honestly can't even remember who the characters were from 3. As soon as I beat that absolute joke of a game I fell into a weeklong depression as it was my favorite game and a literal obsession, just to be goatraped by Bioware's godawful shit rushed EA-cucked "game." It's a constant reminder for me to never be a diehard fan to ANY media. Fuck that shit.
No female Salarians, not all Salarians
All of the good Salarians in Milky Way are dudes.
Tried playing some Andromeda online
The amount of jank and online issues and rng unlocks ruin the fun. Also no Heavy Melee
Imagine if you got some kinda super nanobot sperm and you cummed the reaper tech out of Saren, returning him to normal and making him recruitable in the next game.
reminder that the best ending in ME2 isgetting mindfucked to death by Morinth