Overwatch 2
pre order it
Overwatch 2
pre order it
>60 dollar patch
i dont play games that directly support a regime that crashed the entire world economy
>character has a giant ass in the porn
>in the actual game, has a flat low-poly ass like OP's picture
probably the worst game ive ever played.
>game is called overwatch 2
>is actually an overwatch 1 singleplayer update
maybe if they retcon her being a fucking lesbo i might come back
>western lesbians
> ass
Oh wow how amazing. Another game with ass in it.
Let me see a game with Boobs in that detail and I'll be interested.
I'd rather shoot myself first
She ain't gonna fuck you either way, mate.
You know what blizz shill, i'll give ya a chance.
Why should I preorder it? From the perspective of someone who owns 1 already and has very little interest in the coop shit for how shallow it is, why should I buy it?
yeah but it will be one less faggot in this shitty game and thats a good thing.
Overwatch "Look how GAY I am" 2
That's flat? I don't know how you niggers like asses so fat they have cellulite
WHAT IF I DO HUH? WHAT IF I DO! whatcha gonna do? ooouuWee ooouuWeee-Ooooouu
I imagine that one less will be due to your absence then.
>It's actually a patch rather than a new installment
>It plays, looks and works mostly the same
>It doesn't changes anything from the original
I mean I know it'll be Warcraft3: Reforged all over again with cutting out people who don't have it so they can get people to buy the same game twice, but there is no reason to rush it, is it?
Is Mom going to be in this one?
>people complain about Tracer being a lesbian
>the monkey paw curls and it turns out Emily is trans-woman
What's the likelihood of the story leaks being true? Emily seems like an easy character to delete for story impact.
Imagine paying 60dollars for shitty TF2 clone.
Imagine paying another 60 dollars for patch for shitty TF2 clone.
what story leaks?
>the super "progressive" writing team gives 76 the big gay label too
>76's in-game usage plummets
So how is Overwatch lore? Is it that interesting and deep? Because there are people raving about it being so good that they make events, comics and even a whole new (patch) game to add emphasis to it
But on the other hand, I've played Dota 2 and there is tons of "lore" everywhere, and two games that are set on the same universe because of how "rich" the lore, story and setting is. And none of them can have a consistent tone or even focus.
Even TF2 feels more interesting, to be honest.
go back to /trash/, rube.
Tracers girlfriend is a cuckqueen and likes watching Tracer fuck other guys.
Very progressive.
>posting the version with Em*ly
Who gives a fuck about Overwatch lore?
The only character I thought was interesting in the slightest was Zenyatta, and his whole schtick is “dude what if Dalai Llama but robot”
>he gives money to Bobby Kotick a known child trafficker
You should be put in the electric chair for even suggesting I support these people
Mann Vs. Machine is free, though.
The fuck is the point of being a lesbian?
>inb4 yurifag "purest form of love" cope
What the heck does a woman find sexy about a woman?
Pretty sure /trash/ would be if the guy wanted that to happen.
Easy way to abuse your partner and have society ignore it.
>Overwatch 2
i want tracer to sit on my face!
Didn't they just add an RPG element into the game? So now you can level up and unlock talent skills and abilities? So they're trying to appeal to people that wanted a single player MMORPG type thing?
Why the hell did they make her thick without giving her a thick ass?
Nah, Coomerbait got me the first time. Not again. The game was doomed once people realized that the porn is the only good part.
im sorry gweilo im gonna have to wait for the CCP approved overwatch 2 client where everyone is straight and mei has renounced her anarchist connections
What's worse is when they get so attached to the proportions of the porn that they literally cannot see the reality anymore and truly believe it is how it is in the anal creampie mating press videos.
>pre order it
Why? It's not like there is a limited amount of copys.
I want PestilenceSFM to animate Tracer snapping someone's neck with her thighs.
I'll just keep jacking it to the porn instead. No desire to play the trash. Just coom to the girls.
>The game that lets literally retarded Twitch Thots get kills with abilities that they would never ever have been able to achieve with their actual skill
>posting a filthy lesbian
No thanks homo