What's the points of the installation of this character?

What's the points of the installation of this character?

The original game already had another Asian-looking thief girl, right?

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It's just middle aged Nomura thinking he can still come up with good designs even though he's stuck in mid-00s harajuku. Nomura's designs peaked with original 7 and started going downhill after KH2

They are pandering to White men.

I wish Tite Kubo designed some Final Fantasy characters.

She originally showed up in a Compilation novel I think.

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She's from a Nojima novel

Too fill that gap retard. Fucking answered your own question.

desperately trying to appease YUFFIECHADS. they fear us as those with supreme taste.

yuffie is a hag by that time

That is some grade A pitpussy

Well guess they needed a Yuffie substitute for Midgar to pad the game out.

Literally who the fuck is Nojima?

She is from "The Kids are alright".
Same as Leslie. They werent created for this game.

The literal original writer of FF7 you mongoloidal incel

All those slum NPCs look like Starbucks frequenters. They all look so out of place.

The writer of FFVII, VIII, and X, the Kingdom Hearts series, Advent Children and Crisis Core, Versus XIII, and FFVII Remake.

she'll show up early in part 2 only to have Yuffie show up and go full lesbian power top on her to assert her dominance

>shares the same VA as ann but also looks like marie
There's no way this wasn't a coincidence

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He's the Anti-Kojima

Guys...no seriously guys....hey stfu I’m serious...what if...it’s the new and improved ninja thief Yuffie in disguise?


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He is the fusion of Nomura and Kojima

Why even put her in the game for ONE side mission?
I hope she and Noctis 3 have a bigger role in the remake

sumata when

This really makes me think

Attached: Shiki_Misaki.png (229x711, 126.41K)

nomura and kojimas lovechild

>give me 5 gil
>give me 5 gil
>give me 5 gil
>give me 5 gil

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She's from the books

>What's the points of the installation of this character?
For me to tongue fuck her armpits.