Banjo and Kazooie are in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate for Nintendo Switch

thoughts on this?

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New game or fuck off

They were the only new fighters I needed since Brawl and my current main since their release on September 4th.

based, but ultimate itself sucks sadly

Fun to play as, cancer to play against.

>Banjo, Ridley and K. Rool are in

source? sounds fake

Nearly as based as Chadleth.

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Sometimes I just like to select them consecutively. It’s a weird kind of feel.

He's just too big, user. He'll never be in. Sakurai even said so himself. At least K. Rool's only problem is irrelevance.

I already told you

I'm happy that they are, but I really hope the series itself revives eventually.

Banjo's broad masculine shoulders are making me flustered

Rayman is next

I was excited for his inclusion, but he's ultimately kind of boring. It feels as if BnK were added all the way back in 64 or melee and this is their latest incarnation after being updated since then.

It's fucking awesome. Best case scenario, we get a new platformer out of the series. Worst case scenario, their last appearance will no longer be atrocious dogshit like Nuts and Bolts. Their legacy is saved. For now, at least.

Should of looked like this desu

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cereal bear would definitely not be popular with anyone besides nostalgiafags along with any other horribly designed mascot of the 90s


Ffs sakurai just let characters retain momentum between actions, this shit was figured out decades ago on the nes

whoever made this is a serious drama wanting virgin, so typical for waifu emblem faggots

>Implying you weren't going to bitch anyway



I think the fact that you keep harping on about it is fucking annoying

>two of ultimate's newcomers were forgotten rareware characters

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all we need now is banjo and kazooie in mario kart 9 as separate racers throw in grunty too

Am I an autist if these are the only characters I play as? This guy at school one day asked me who I mained in Smash and after I told him K Rool he just turned back around

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Still brings a smile to my face. It was a glorious day.

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I got my most wanted already stay mad that you're the pinnacle of smash toxicity and that nobody besides discord trannies and twitterfags like you

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no it means you're a boomerbrain.

I'm still glad.

I think I can live with that. They don’t make em like they used to

based and mario kart pilled.

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They'll just move the goalposts to something like "new game neverever" or whatever. Shitposters will always latch onto something.

I honestly don't understand why she's just not a regular character in the Kart and Party games anyway.

Leave those dumb Odyssey rabbits out

What do you think Nintendo is?

Throw in the DKR cast and I would forever resist bitching about all the babbies and Pink Gold Peach.

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im surprised f-zero and mother escape the boomer finger pointing considering both ended earlier than banjo and started WAY earlier, 1990 and 1989 to banjo's 1998

Precisely why its funny to make fun of them. Who cares about new game? There was literally more support for a dead franchise protagonist who (by the way) has been called "never ever" for years than the newest protagonist in nintendo's probably most sold IP. Literally no one cares besides hype train riders, weebs, people who hated the other dlc picks, or mad hoes pretending they "won" because the final pick wasnt dante (who is based) or some other cool third party.

tl;dr byleth fags are probably more pretentious and angry than the people who actually don't like byleth

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>He looks at you

>Unhinges his jaw

>And roars GUH HUH

What do you do user?

I feel like, as fellow Nintendo racers, Captain Falcon and Excitebiker should also be characters.

Give him a jigsaw piece and tell him good luck on saving his sister

as glad as i am that they're here, holy fuck have the smash memes completely deteriorated in quality since they got in. they were already going downhill but losing the three literal biggest sources of jokes fucking slaughtered any comedy that could be mustered.
i mean look at this shit , forced "never ever" bullshit for characters that have practically never been asked for on the scale the other three have. like we got the actual fan demands so now they have to scrounge for scraps to make really shitty inflammatory memes for. its fucking awful. at least "2big" was more of a joke about how fucking silly of an excuse that was, now its this retarded crying wojak edit bullshit with no sense of mutual fun to it at all.

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the last non-Mario characters i'd like to see crossover are ROBs return and maybe Fox and Falco; theyre already part of the EPD family like the zelda/splatoon/AC cast