They literally made the same game 5 times.
They literally made the same game 5 times
and i will gladly buy demon's souls 6
> TFW the closer you get to the middle the better the games get
I'm pretty sure there's more than 5 armored core games.
Only people with high IQs can realize this. Proud of you user.
>Dark Souls II is the best
yea, and?
you prefer what happened with dragon age?
> 5 times
newfag, they've been making this game way before DS
I fucking hate when companies "strike gold" and then stop doing anything else so they can keep milking their cash cow. Goat Simulator is the only game I hate more than Dark Souls for this.
Dark Souls > Demon Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Blood Borne > Dark souls 3
Everygame in existence > powergap > shit > another powergap > powergap for the powergap > dark souls 2
and you can measure that distance by the size of your anus
fucking based
This is why I never take Yas Forums's opinion seriously. You really don't have to try so hard to fit in.
Never heard of Shadow Tower or King's Field, dumbass?
This, but unironically.
>sleepy knight
>praying knight
>crispy knight
>fag in a dress
>raggedy flambe knight
true true
dark souls II is so fucking bad
DaSII is based tho, best MP, best item variations, most fun and cool
Bloodborne and Demons Souls are automatically the worst because it's a snoy exclusive imo
yo when are they gonna put the rest of the souls games on switch? I want to play 2, 3, BB, and DeS but I refuse to go on Snoy console or soulless PC
Gee just like every fucking series ever
I will, and have buy every game that is a Soulslike.
Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3
And yet they never went back to the levels based style of Demon's Souls. What a fucking waste.
That's a good thing
Didn't you know user?
I guess we can all agree in that:
Dark souls PTDE > Dark souls remastered
Actually, is:
Dark souls 2 > Dark souls PTDE > Dark souls remastered > all the other shit
> 30fps > 60fps
Uh, no. The fact that they downgraded the fire animation and whatever else you dweebs complain about is minor compared to the massive playability difference from the improved framerate
And I would agree