Fucking can’t ever win

Fucking can’t ever win.

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it's true she looks like a huge skank

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Didn't that faggot get blasted on twitter and then apologize?

Don't care lol

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People want to be mad and media gives them shit to be mad at

>Rooster teeth employee is a massive faggot

Water is wet.

>person on internet said thing
Who gives a shit?

She fucks Cloud, not you.

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Real funny too, since her original design was meant to look like she slept around, but was actually the innocent girl longing for her childhood friend to come and save her. While Aerith, the sweet looking girl, was the firecracker take no shit girl that likely already had to do some shady shit to survive.


Aerith always wins

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Wow, latent anger issues here. I see why they had Yang snap her neck now. It was projection, through and through. Remember, never give into these people, they are hypocrites.

>Rooster teeth

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Yang was heavily based on Tifa too, yes, pretty funny
As much as I like to meme it, it's unlikely Aerith has ever had to actually suck a dick, as Shinra has been keeping an eye on her. She's definitely intended to be the subversive aggressive waifu though, we have as much directly from the creators mouths, speaking both about the original and remake

I hate anime shit, but Tifa makes me cream my pants.

rwby creator monty oum started out making fight videos with final fantasy and doa


I thought sex work was a respectable career. what are they upset about?

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Dude, he was just making a joke. Why the fuck is there an article about it?

>some guy with only a passing association and familiarity in the industry makes statement concerning one of the largest vidya franchises to date, here's why you should care.

and here I was thinking we were friends

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I thought that prostitutes were liberated women?
I thought that you shouldnt judge women
Can you explain this to me trannies and lefties from /v?

She's not a whore, she just exclusively fucks black guys for free.

What a Stacy

>girl wears a sporty outfit
>outfit is more sporty than the previous one
>even shows less skin
>call her a slut

what kinda sharia law nonsense is this?

yes, Aerith does. I'm glad you can admit it.


Look who said it
someone involved with Roster Teeth
supreme cucks

They've since admitted the headline was posted incorrectly.

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>literal who

By that logic, every gym thot is also a prostitute.
Wait, could Spencer be /ourguy/?

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isn't she a terrorist?

rest in peace Oum-san


>man telling a woman what she can and cannot wear
What a sexist bastard.