What the FUCK was that ending?
What the FUCK was that ending?
>were you expecting a full game?
dabbing on manchildren who wanted a 1:1 remake
Sephiroth tricks the party into fighting another Weapon so he can succeed where he failed in the original.
>What the FUCK was that ending?
A sign of things to come. Prepare to see a glorious train wreck when episode 2 releases.
Yeah yeah, it was over the top, we get it.
It was still a good setup for whats to come
Ok, Karen. Thanks for bringing this to our attention again. We'll have a manager return your call as soon as possible.
Pure ludo for making nostalgia autists seethe
>good setup
Nah, it was pretty cheap and convoluted. If tahts supposed to be a precedent of how the new things will be handled by the next episodes then I'm out of this ride right now.
Didju rike it
you already payed full triple-A price lol
go back and replay the entire game this time use ur brain
No, I didn't.
My god you like eating shit so much you actually think these time jannies are a good setup lmao.
Here is the superior setup, don't explain shit, just reboot the game with no in-universe explanation whatsoever like every fucking reboot does.
>filters Yas Forums
>filters reddit
>filters resetera
it's the best ending in gaming history.
Then gtfo of these threads?
they listened to all the people asking for a different story the last five years
It's not really a good filter if we've finished the damn game.
>time jannies
>over the top
lmao at this damage control. It's called fucking retarded, not over the top
Glad youre not a writer for anything except Yas Forums shitposts.
You could always suggest a better game user. But that would undermine your pathetic sense of superiority over something that truly doesnt matter.
Poorfag detected.
Anyone excited for the next episodes of this bullshit are either hopeless delusional or completely ignorant of every single other atempt at retelling FFVII Squeenix has ever made. Do you people forgot Advent Children? Crisis Core? Fucking Dirge of Cerberus? Anything that isn't a 1:1 recreation of FFVII is bound to be fucked over by Squeenix, they just can't help themselves but keep fucking with the original source material, its no surprise that the best bits of FFVIIR are precisely the ones more faithfull to the original game. This Remake is gonna be a disaster and it wasn't for lack of warning.
The party assumes that the future they are being put on track for by the whispers of fate is a bad future, so they decide to fight against them and open up the possibilities of anything happening to them, not just the preordained events of the original game. This is precisely what Sephiroth wants because now he is not beholden to the canon that Cloud kills him. Sepiroth gets away scot-free and now the events of the future are unknown to anyone and might end up better than the original or much much worse.
On a meta level its the story of the characters fighting to have control of their own destiny without being forced into re-enacting the same sequences of events over and over like the time jannies(aka the fans) want them to.
TLDR it was fucking kino and you are small brain as fuck if you disagree
Would have been better if they used this concept for a FF8 remake. Makes more sense considering ultimecia is a time witch and all.
This. I'm also curious as to why Zach lives. If Sephiroth intervened it might have been to keep Cloud and Aerith from ever coming after him.
No, seriously, what did they won by screwing with the timeline? They literally had no reason to fight against their destiny.
time jannies make ff8 look like an Oscar winning movie. that shit only belongs in children's cartoons
Trash ending is trash. The fuck else did you expect from a guy who never wanted to direct the game in the first place.
>defending time jannies
Aerith dying and meteor hitting Midgar seems like good enough reasons for all present.
They were never at any point told it was their destiny to prevail, to be fair.
It's not what they wanted, it's what Sephiroth wanted. He basically tricked them into breaking the canon so he could win.
>the party assumes that the future they are being put on track for by the whispers of fate is a bad future
How? How did they came to that conclusion? Especially when they had just saw one of the time jannies ressurecting Barret right in front of them? Stop defending bad writing.
>the time jannies(aka the fans)
the time jannies aren't the fans. they're the out-of-touch squeenix executives holding nomura back from making the game he wanted to make (versus). the ending is a metaphor for nomura rising above the screwjob of versus and reviving the franchise with his kino.
You're a small brain if you actually think that this is clever story telling lmao.
>asking a shill to stop defending absolute shit
Imagine being such a faggot that you defend a game that turned Sephiroth into a gay rapist that later holds Cloud's hands. Remake fags are redditor homosexuals
nah, even Redit hates the remake lmao
By being shown future vision after future vision with no context. All they see is that Aerith will die, a meteor will land on Midgar and a vision of Red with his cubs from the end of the game where there's no more humans. Seems like a pretty bad future when you don't get all the details.
seems like a pretty retarded story that nobody gives a fuck anymore because they butchered the entire thing
This. Everyone keeps ignoring the fact that NOMURA WANTED NOTHING DO WITH THE REMAKE. Why do you fags thing SE sent the game off to CC2 first.
Nomura doesn't give a shit about making the Remake good, he just wants to make his own game that SE has been denying him for years now.
Anyone else realize how stupid it was that Cloud and his friends were afraid of ghosts during chapter 11 when they dive head first into ghouls all game up until that point?
As well they should. His ideas are bad and he should feel bad.
Reddit loves the game you lying faggot
>Just finished the game and I am so glad I stayed away from spoilers. I loved this "remake". The gameplay was fantastic, the added story fillers were entertaining, I actually cared about the Avalanche members (except Wedge, he should've died with his cats), and that Kingdom Hearts ending totally caught me off guard. I know some people are salty that this remake is turning into a reboot, but I'm absolutely down to hop on this train to see where it goes. The original FF7 is still in my Steam library. If I want to play Final Fantasy 7, I'll just play that for nostalgia. Meanwhile, I am welcoming this new adventure with open arms.
The ending was pretty dumb, but the least of my complaints. By the time the credits rolled i was just happy it was over. I feel bad saying it because so much effort went into making this game. Thinking about revisiting it now that my expectations aren’t as high.
Maybe this reddit guy isn't actually one person?
>I'm also curious as to why Zach lives
He doesnt, i mean he does but in another timeline, but thats only because cloud and party destroyed the ghosts.
Remember seeing the ghosts during that scene when zack was about to fight the grunts? thats because in that timeline, there was a variable that was gonna make zack live this time. But since the planet wants his will to be fullfilled (the only timeline available, the OG), it sends the ghosts to kill him if he survives.
Due to the whispers, different timelines dont exist in ff7 gaia. And if something is different, whispers will change it back on track, because thats the will of the planet, thats whats good for the planet.
> play it with the same feelings as those touching FFVII for the first time
>picks the only positive post in the entire megathread
lmao. also that looks exactly like the script you shills have been using calling it a "wild ride"
I almost believe he turned KH into Shit on purpose because he was pissed at SE for denying him VS 13. Time bullshit is one of the laziest writing copout's ever created and it makes sense that he would keep using it if he doesn't give a fuck.
his ideas are kino and he should feel great. he's 100% vindicated by how kitase, tanaka, toriyama and tabata ruined the franchise.