Gonna spend my trumpbux on either a 1660 ti or rtx 2060 super?

Gonna spend my trumpbux on either a 1660 ti or rtx 2060 super?
Ryzen 7 or i7?

What’s better for 1080p/60fps gaming.

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2060 and Ryzen 7

That's exactly the build I want lol

Why exactly that?

Get an i7, RTX 2060 is better but costs more. I dunno go ask on

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Is it true the 2060 can barley run games with rtx on?

Use trumpbux to get a gun and ammo

Things are going to get worse you need to prepare

Is the
>MSI GeForce RTX 2060
Worth getting or the 2060 super?


shits gonna go back to normal by next year, who gives a shit about guns and ammo

>he doesn't have both vidja and funz

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God damn i hope that 2k a month for 6 months bill gets passed.
I cant wait for the super zoomers to hate us as much as we hate boomers.

if you can get it marginally cheaper than a 2070 sure, if not just go for a 2070.

>1080p/60fps gaming
GTX 970 or 1060

>Ryzen 7 or i7?
Intel always. Both times I've bought AMD I've been rewarded with failing devices and shitty customer support.

We're shutting down for a year+ at this pace. Governments are gonna honeydick us into it.

It's completely short sighted and going to lead to a great depression. Great depressions lead to war, violence, genocides.

We'll kill more people than the old sick fucks we're ruining our lives to save.


Ryzen, why are people still memeing i7s at this point.
It's like 1% better in gaming at most but if you do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING ELSE AT ALL, than it's wayyy better.

Just get a Ryzen 3600 with a 1660 super.
Both the Ryzen 7's and the 2060 super are overkill for 1080p/ 60fps. Hell you can easily get that with Ryzen 1600AF and a 1650 super which will cut the cost in half but still have performance. Just wouldn't be the best in the long run.

>got both a raise to make up for the "inconvenience" of working from home and trump bucks

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here is my plan if that 12k bill gets passed

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Will the rtx 2060 last next gen?

They're shutting down to slow the spread and not have everyone get sick all at once. Now that bed capacity is up everything will open up again and we'll have a new normal until they get a vaccine.

Never gonna happen

>Now that bed capacity is up everything will open up again and we'll have a new normal until they get a vaccine.

Literally only Sweden is doing that. Everyone else is saying woah it's too early to open up.

They're changing the plan on us.

Outside some extreme hotspots in the US, hospitals weren't even close to being at capacity, yet we still can't open it up.

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>inb4 the price of computer parts skyrocket due to all the neets building new computers at the same time with their trumpbux
Shit reminds me of when those bitcoin assholes bought up all the GPUs. Made me postpone building a new computer until prices got reasonable.

I'm being hyperbolic but I'd still buy my parts now just in case though.

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I've got a 2080 super and RTX ON in the games I've tried seems to do nothing (or make the lighting worse in some cases?) in exchange for dumping 30 frames. That's okay since it's running most things at 120+ so losing 30 isn't the end of the world, but if you're only barely scraping 60 like you probably will be on a 2060 at high settings then 30 is a much bigger ask.

>scraping 60 with a 2060
What games will have me doing that? Especially at 1080p

do NOT get a 1660

It's already hard as fuck. I was going to build one and everything was either sold out/ price jacked up or when I did find something it would sell out within the hour. It's the worst time to build a PC right now.

Just wait for the 3000 series to come out pleb


>It's just the flu bro

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Get an RX 5700 XT. Cheaper than a 2060 super and performs almost as well, and on some games even better, than a 2070 super. Raytracing is a meme and even the best graphics cards can't run it at even 60 fps.

>tfw all I need to complete my build is the gpu, sata ssd, and power supply

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I bought a new CPU and after this I'm probably gonna wait until next year to do a big overhaul once all the new parts around the next console generation come out

look at memecraft with rtx. do you think its the future? can you pay for the fps loss? get the rtx
if not consider a rx5600~5700
ryzen is the best choice for your dosh. get a neat ssd with the spare dosh, just ensure its not dramless ssd and you are fine

NEETS don't get Trumpbux

It's a stopgap card made because the 2060 wasn't selling

The RX 5000 series are going to last longer and perform better as they age, and the Nvidia 30 series will completely blow the 1660 tf out with stuff like DLSS actually getting better

More money to buy junk food and soda.

9600k + 2060 super

It's not about what is happening right now it's about what could happen without preventative measure. What are we supposed to wait till the hospitals are already full THEN close everything? Sweden has 2000 deaths now so they might be kicking themselves in the ass later if it gets worse

Stfu tard literally a 0.01% chance of death from flu 2.0

As long as they aren't declared as dependents, yes they do.

>bought a neat i5 laptop for work
>right before da nu ryzen 4k processors show up
i discovered some new kind of feelings of dumb really

>I got all the sickass LEDs set up now all I need is most of the important shit

>Mfw already upgraded before pandemic
>Mfw all I need is a new gpu to replace my 970

2050 doesnt exist because it would not run 1080p30 with rtx on

It is though. Everything is rolling back to normal by June in most of the US.

Once the vaccine is made it's going to be "just the flu bro" and the only thing we'll have is a buncha tards who stockpiled shitter paper.

new parts come out so damn fast that I stopped falling into the "but wait what about the next one" loop and just bought shit when I could

Shit add some glasses and edit the hair bright red or pink and you've got markiplier

I do have my rgb fans on the way but not because I prioritized them.

2060 ryzen 7
An intel build will leave you assraped in the wallet for worse performance

>Tfw dependent even though I still work
Fuck you too government

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i got a new 1080 ti during that for $700 and then RTX was announced like 2 months later : ^)

>Everything is rolling back to normal by June
Source: his ass

Ok faggot, see you in two weeks.

Is it fair to say at 2060 is good as a card as far as it’s options go? Solid 1080p 60. Rtx with 30fps. Possible to do 1440p with well optimized games.

I’m just worried about how long it will last Into next gen.

I dunno, newer stuff on max settings? Barely anything has RTX in it yet so it'll probably be stuff that comes out in the future.

Life is so boring, I hope it gets really bad and cannibals eventually eat my intestines while Im still alive.

>V thread one week ago about builds
>Everyone suggests ryzens
>V thread today about builds
>Go to "/g/"
Something's in the water

Can someone please give me reasons why anyone would care about RTX right now when almost no games utilize it?
No future-proofing bullshit please.

Why yes, I am a hardcore pc gamer. how could you tell?

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Yea, Oil ain't coming back but shit's already starting to reopen. By this time next year it's all going to be normal and you can go back to hating your lives and hoping for another happening.

>only sensible post in the thread gets ignored
third worlders itt


/g/ scares away pc casuals so they have to take their build threads to Yas Forums.

Same thing goes for entry level anime and books. The boards for them scare all the shitters away.

do not buy a gpu with less than 8GB of vram

>Still no sources
Ok lib

>buy case with rgb
>set lighting to blue
>pc runs 10 degrees cooler

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I didnt say anything about that but ok user

Besides red dead 2 I don’t see anything giving pcs a serious work out at ultra these days. The only thing I’ve got my eye on is cyberpunk but at the very least I expect that to be well optimized.