You wake up in the 2000's

>You wake up in the 2000's

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Fucking zoomers

>Nooooo you can't be nostalgic for anything after 1999 or you're the Z-Word!

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>Have to go back to school.

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Who said that though

We have to go back...

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>Just a bunch of 90s stuff for 2004

ok and stop spamming this image

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i just want to go back, why does it matter if i'm younger than you? i'm still miserable and want to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiie

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Why the fuck is 90s stuff in mid '00?

Because 2004 had more in common with the 90s than it did with the late 2000s/2010s.

Get on Yahoo messenger and hit up moms who want to sleep with boys...this worked three times for me. Worth the 1000's of hours mining for puss.

>sonic Heroes

lol ok

To elaborate, stuff like Teen Titans and Mean Girls coexisted better with 90s stuff than it did Usher or Lil Jon.

What the fuck are you even babbling about

looks nice, but isn't the Pizza gettin cold?

All of that is junk, but you only live once


But 00s culture was in full force by 2002 already, especially in the games department.

>Wake up in the 2000s
>Watch my pirated DVD copy of Scooby Doo again
>Rent Bionicle: The Mask of Life from Blockbuster for the 6th time.

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Take me back!

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Maybe, but I've always felt like games like Vice City and Wind Waker belonged more to the 90s than the 2000s. Same with the music of the era, like The White Stripes or Avril Lavigne.

>The White Stripes or Avril Lavigne



Growing up in the 2000's was a truly kino experience/timeline. Late 90's as well. Everything went to SHIT after 2011, and coincidentally it's the same year I finished high school

College was a super garbage experience for me.

You know, the music of 2002/2003? Why are you playing dumb?

>Wind Waker belonged more to the 90s than the 2000s

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don't miss it. not for a second

Absolutely. It had the 90s Sailor Moon/early Pokémon anime feel to it.

>wake up in 2000
>guess I'll spend more time on a skill instead of hunting for gash this time
Honestly wish I had not put pussy on such a pedestal when there was so much I could have accomplished.

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there's still time, user

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Ah, To be rich and white....

Wore this at my brothers funeral

I've been making the most of it. I'm currently holding a state job, but I still could have saved myself some grief in the late 2000s.

amazing how zoomers are oblivious to nostalgia and how millennials were saying the same shit 10 years ago

You are a man. If you lost your drive that easily, you were never really man to begin with.

No it didn't. Steam had dropped, World of Warcraft ruined the very concept of MMOs and CS Source split the community with an inferior remake. The only redeeming quality of 2004 is that Bloodlines came out that year, the last of the old guard.

>the 2000's were 20 years ago.

i feel old now.

How was your life during the 2000's Yas Forums?
What was your perfect sunday like?

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steam came out in 2003

yikes, imagine wanting to go back to the past where things are worse

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Yeah, but San Andreas came out in 2004. That game is super old-school.

I had the green swamp creature one.



time to make my sprite comic

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Pop culture is cancer and being an ageist over pop culture is double cancer

Sorry to hear that your high school years weren't fun for you, user. Mine ruled. College was garbage for me and I miss all my high school friends.

Glad to hear things sound better for you now, even though for most of us...they aren't.

Going to church and worshipping God unlike you heathens.
I was a church kid growing up in a devout southern baptist family.

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If I could be in highschool playing Oblivion and Gears of War multiplayer, I'd be in heaven.

Also original Planetside. While using Xfire, man that was the shit.

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Yeah, I said steam HAD dropped. I know when it dropped buddy, pic fucking related.

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Say "what" again! Say "what" again! I dare you, I double-dare you, motherfucker, say "what" one more goddamn time!

Zoomer perception of a time that I vividly remember like they were yesterday are so bizarre to me.

>january 1st, 2000
>wake up at noon after staying up for the new year
>11 years old, christmas break is ending soon
>dont have the newest consoles but still plenty content playing on the genesis and blizzard games on the pc
>future looks bright, can't think of any reason it wouldn't be
>have genuine fun doing the same thing I do every day, don't even hope to think it will never end because I can't think it ever would

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God isn't real.

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K, but how is that relevant?

Shut up, fellow 4channer. We know nothing of what it is to be a man.

Your post doesn't make any sense. Rap was very popular in the 90s and retarded teen movies have always been made.

yeah, I was beaten at school every day

Because your perception is nonsensical.

Lil Jon is crunk, which is a really shitty type of rap that didn't get popular until the 2000s. Usher existed in the 90s, but he really made his name in 2004 with his hit song "Yeah!", which sucked.
Retarded teen movies have always been made, but they hit their zenith in the 90s.

>Retarded teen movies have always been made, but they hit their zenith in the 90s.
They were more popular in the 80s. Remember shit like revenge of the nerds? Of course you don't because you're a zoomer.

this user is ahead of the curve

The early 2000s had games that felt a lot like they belonged in the 90s. Cartoons too. Even some movies felt 90s-ish in feel. This used to be considered common knowledge, like when people said "the 90s didn't end until 2004".

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If i figure out time travel will you guys go back with me?
I don't wanna go alone.

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The 80s and the 90s had a lot of commonalities. 80s culture bled over into the 90s in many ways. But I'd argue teen movies were actually more synonymous with the 90s, when you had stuff like Dazed and Confused or Clueless.

sorry that your childhood sucked bro