Why is XIII trilogy the most talked about final fantasy? No one here likes the first 4 final fantasy games. It can't be hate because literally no one on Yas Forums cares about the first 4 games, yet you never see people talk about those. Why this one so popular?
Why is XIII trilogy the most talked about final fantasy? No one here likes the first 4 final fantasy games...
Adding yet another thread about it in the process.
XIII is a very divisive entry in the series. It is not a bad game by any stretch, but it has flaws, and at release people were expecting a very different game.
>at release people were expecting a very different game.
And whose fault is that.
>TFW no Blizzrad.
Vanille is the worst character I have ever had to deal with in a JRPG.
Why are you such a fucking retard? Do you have autism too or just down syndrome?
Everybody cares about FF4, my man
Hecatoncheir makes up for it
>It is not a bad game by any stretch
not normies, modern FF has turned into the angry birds of the genre
Ok, this is obviously some sort of "pretending to be retarded" bait like "Why did the FF series start at 7????"
But when you do that shit you have to actually not be retarded in the first place. I can't fucking understand what you were thinking.
Like, maybe the joke here is suppose to be that you think the series is called "Final Fantasy X", making the "first 4 games" be X, XII, XIII XIII-2? (no one counts XI as being part of the series anyway)
But there's X-2, which makes the total of games in there 5 and not 4, so maybe by the "first 4 games" you ACTUALLY mean the first four Final Fantasy games.
However, it makes very little sense to compare those four specifically to the XIII trilogy while disregarding every other FF game.
It especially extra doesn't make sense because IV does in fact get talked about more than XIII.
XIII (and XV) are talked about because they aren't simply bad games. They are bad games where you can see the potential greatness right under the surface.
With XIII it's because there's a great combat system that they squandered by locking it to the back half of the game.
The closer you get to success the more it frustrates people.
It's not. After 6 it's the only worthwhile entry thus far.
>It is not a bad game by any stretch
Fuck every single zoomer who grew on FFXIII and is now trying to retroactively pretend this game was never terrible.
No one gives a shit about XIII
This guy gets it, the only thing worse then a bad game is a bad game where you see concepts that could become a game you like, and now because they are attached to a bad game those concepts have the touch of a leper.
I like the first 4 games
I and II on PSP, III on the NES and IV on the DS
I will not even try to defend these games, I just like
But after playing through the whole main line of games plus a lot of spin-off, I can say that the XIII trilogy was not just bad, but is one of the most wasted potential
Combine the wasted potential with a game that is already bad, and there you have your free dose of hate
Imagine the tang of that sweaty little box just airing out in the open there.
ff2 gets hated on all the time by brainlets who were filtered by the leveling system (very similar to ff8 and the junction system).
ff4 gets talked about a lot because people like cecil and golbez's storyline.
It was the players fault. It came out around the time open world games were everywhere for the first time so people just expected XIII to follow suit. They completely forgot that with the exception of XII that the series has always been a linear affair.
>muh autobattle
fuck off with your bait faggot
I always love how people shit on XIII for the exact same problems X has yet X is supposed to be god's gift to final fantasy.
Holy shit, so non-linear!
No you stupid bitch, go read some of the XIII announcment material and you will quickly realize that the XIII that was announced was most definitly not the same thing as the XIII we got,THAT is what was at fault for giving people the wrong kinds of expectations, bullshots and bullshit interviews.
They are three games, it's a lot of stuff to talk about. After three god damn games, I feel more connection with the XIII series characters than with any other FF game.
>After 6 it's the only worthwhile entry thus far.
Pressing autobattle will screw you over, and does not choose the most optimal options for stagger.
Let's say you discovered a new enemy, it's weakness is not on the datalog yet. But you can see by the enemy it is a fire type, so water and blizzard are obviously the best options, but he absorbs fire. The auto-battle will literally trow fire at the monster and HEAL HIM to learn it absorbs fire.
Something else: The best stagger plan is to trow lots of small magic on an enemy, bigger magics are just to get multiple enemies at once. Autobattle will do this against and enemy weak to fire:
>firaga(3), fira(2), fire(1)
Instead of:
>fire(1), fire(1), fire(1), fire(1), fire(1), fire(1)
Which is a better strategy to kill one enemy faster as it will increase stagger.
Autobattle is for retards like you. Go to the menu and put manual to appear first instead of autobattle.
problem with autobattle is you're wasting precious time manually selecting each spell.
"HD Towns", "Moms are tough" and other bullshit.
When you have nothing to complain about, you look for stuff.
There is also circumstantial niches like having Sazh fight a HUEG enemy that is in his face, then Blitz is his best DPS because all hits (which there are many) connect and deal more damage. that said has a point, the main deal is that you need to know when it is worth to micromanage and when Auto-Battle is "good enough".
You forgot that auto-battle will also avoid using the same move because it will, numerically, build less stagger. So will go fire>firestrike>fire>firestrike>fire
instead of the firex5
X didn't have Vanille
Yeah, but using magicstrikes and magic projectiles one after the other is a bullshit move. Your character loses too much time on the attack animations instead of be done with it, it's time wasted you could be recharging another round
I used to do fire/aero/water/thunder/earth all at once, because with this the attack animation just lasted 5 seconds instead of almost 15.