What the fuck is wrong with you people. This is unacceptable

What the fuck is wrong with you people. This is unacceptable

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It's funny

I don't like when people use foreign characters in their names either, it makes it hard to type it or search for them.

I used to like black people but then they broke into my house and stole my xbox 360, my copy of beatles rock band, rock band 2 and my guitars.


Lol rekt.

but you can't refute them, can you?

Your right
He should be allowed to say nigger

Those are all funny though. It's 2020, nigger is not an insult anymore, just a buzzword white kids like to throw around
t. black

Tell that to the millions of African-Americans lynched in the name of the n-word

>What the fuck is wrong with you people.

>This is unacceptable
It's not.

literally you right now

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Please fuck my wife


But forget about the white people that died to liberate the blacks, right? Ungrateful nigger.

>the millions
Man I fucking wish.

>in the name
They weren't lynched "in the name" of the word nigger, they were lynched for being niggers and acting like niggers, ie raping women and stealing.

Got a shaman to summon them?

go drink some bleach, shit smear

There were 4,743 lynchings in the USA of which 1200+ happened to white people.


>back of da bus
i find the retarded brand of racism like that funnier than "kill all black people" shit by a wide margin

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Bad taste

wat game

But that's not Yas Forums.

SoOoOoo edgy xD

>my copy of beatles rock band
How dare those niggers do something so fucking vile

The only people who like black people are those who would assume they cannot fend for themselves in a system built for work and taxes. And even then, they pretend to be less intelligent so that they may attempt a communication with these unsavory parties, which is in itself a grossly racist and unhonest policy. They judge people on the color of their skin, and not the content of their character.

NBA Niggerball Allstars

>t. black
why are you black

Don't blame them, they were raised in bad homes without a positive male role model, and flipped those games for drugs they used while ignoring their own children, continuing a vicious cycle.

those are names either a 12 year old boy would pick or a falseflagging Jew.

I'm black and it's funny the mental anguish we cause just by existing.

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I Do Not Associate With NIKKERS

Racism will never go away because it’s human nature to hate one another. Even if we had complete understanding one one another people would find something of someone to hate like your waifu being shit

Do you have a single fact to back that up

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Based AF
Fuck you OP, you bbc loving faggot

They got some good taste

ITT: Resetrannies

literally the NAACP website, not that user but it took me 2 seconds to google you fucking NIGGER

there's no proof they were black, you are just assuming they were since you are racist by default

your reaction is exactly why people do it.
imma lay it out for you slick.
most kids go through this thing called the rebellious phase where they are strongly anti-establishment. just like you're a liberal cuck because you grew up in the era of bush and patriotism, they are anti-libcucks because they grew up in the era of king nigger and social justice.
they say nigger because they are told by the establishment they are rebelling against that they can't say nigger. It is that simple.

I say nigger because I hate blacks.

Its not just human nature. Genetic memory is real. We subconsciously remember the misdeeds done to our ancestors. Its why anti-semitism is so prevalent while the media tries to stomp it out. Its in your DNA.

Race War II: Back of the Bus

>my copy of beatles rock band
did you a favor desu. The Beatles are overrated trash. Fuck Paul McCartney and fuck John Lennon too.

And you're assuming that he didn't see who robbed his house. Why is that?

reminder race realism is outdated pseudoscience and actual geneticists laugh in the face of you brainlets

Looks pretty base.

That latency is pretty bad.

>What are cameras?
Are you retarded?

>trusting """""academics""""" in 2020 the year of our lord
For any """"academic""""" study you can find one an equally viable """"""academic""""" study that refutes it completely and is ignored for political reasons

Because he's black and that's what he does.

>durr itz duh jewz fault my 18th century pseudoscience has been debunked