Do you enjoy weird fantasy races in your video games or do you prefer to stick to something more human like elves?

Do you enjoy weird fantasy races in your video games or do you prefer to stick to something more human like elves?

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I'm not a furfag, no.

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I prefer Reisen!

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I bet argonian breasts are filled with sweet sticky hist sap that whispers to you as you drink it. "Good mammal, obey the Hist, feels so good to obey", it says while your Argonian waifu nurses you and fondles your pp

I'm an absolute furfag, so no. There's no videogame with a decent beast-race.

Why does the lizard have tits?

I love any game with kobolds!

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I like a mix. What I don't like are those fucks who try to apply real world science to fantasy races.

Fantasy race variety all the way.

Most people penned to write vidya are a far cry from pulling a true Tolkien off anyways.

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All beast races in games should be slaves like in morrowind. It's what they deserve

Because the lizard literally exists for human cock.
Not even joking. That's the reason. Hist wants you to pump that lizard.

I'd stick it into almost anything willing or unwilling with a hole

But I would be more inclined to pump the lizard if it was more physiologically accurate.

Good taste, can agree there.

This shit is what I mean Muh biology.

Bird races are underrated

No, the Hist just thinks that's enough to blend wild lizards from Argonia into a human-esque society. Actually fucking them doesn't impregnate them or anything.

I only like humans because most elves and dwarves are just the tolkien ones but without any of the soul, Orcs are usually muh noble savege which sucks, Furfag races are only good for the purpose of /hmofa/. I have yet to see anything else that isnt made for snowflakes or just doesnt deliver. Skelletons would be cool but they are pretty rare.

Yes as long as I have in-depth information about their anatomy, reproductive methods, genealogy and cross reproductions between them and other humanoid races.

The Hist isn't wrong, I trust a lizard with human proportions more.

Fuck you, I like my settings to be as grounded in reality as possible while still being fantastical. It's a difficult balance to maintain but It's worth the effort.

Have you ever spoken to a morally greyfag about why Orcs are naturally evil creatures and just watched him stare like a retard unable to understand?

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God I wish she would swallow me whole

I don't see any fury on her, do you? Stupid fucking animefag. Go back to your containment board and jerk off over raping children.

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If by Orcs you mean niggers then yea.

But we're already on Yas Forums.

Yeah, Hist wants them to blend in.
If that includes making making lizard sluts, then so be it. Of course there's massive ulterior motives and you're not getting anything out of it, but hey, Lusty Argonian Maids away.

Right, where anime is STRICTLY not allowed.

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Scalies are just a subset of furry. Stop pretending you're any different.

Fantasy races but if there's a skeleton I'll go with that.
>scaletards still insist their not furries

Is TES the only fantasy game that properly developed beast races lorewise?

I think have the wrong website.

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Probably, but TES doesn't give a fuck about its own lore unless it's sucking off the Dwemer.

Yes, you do.

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Are you absofuckinglutely retarded, user

How the hell are fursuits better? They look like they rape puppies to death with wooden sticks covered in ants.