CyberPunk 2077


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Quality over Quantity

I'm not defending this game because I despise hype but what kind of comparison are you trying to make here you brainlet.
>Burger mentality
>Bigger means better

This. Started playing sleeping dogs again and the map isn't big at all. It's actually more fun and I actually wanna do the side missions unlike in bigger games where I always felt more of a chore for me.

and Cyberpunk 2077 has neither


Oh, you played it?

How do you know?

check the map retard

I'm looking forward to the game but that does look kinda shit

>1km is 3/8 the size of 5.7km
Who the fuck made this comparison?

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There looks to be a lot more interiors in the game.

The fuck are you trying to say? You can tell the density and quality through the picture? Are you retarded

great game user

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I did and if I recall correctly 90% of the map of GTA5 was barren shit that nobody likes.
Bigger map doesn't automatically mean better.

I would rather have a smaller map that I can go into every building than one massive map that doesnt have shit to explore.

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So what? The map on yakuza 0 is tiny but its fucking great

>can go into every building
believing cdpr lies

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>Comparing a game that only uses the map as a superficial playground with no real interaction to a game that is more intricately designed with the map in mind
Come on now

well they never said that soo..

Its not a lie until the game actually comes out. You cant hold faith that a game sucks when it hasnt came out yet.

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They've only stated that there are megacomplex which has multiple explorable floors. However I expect of a lot of interiors regardless with warehouses and factories

Fallout 76 has a larger map than Fallout New Vegas, but try pulling that argument on FNV.

massive fucking cope you havent even played the fucking game yet and you're gonna start using the quality argument

What has happened to new-Yas Forums...

massive fucking seethe you havent even played the fucking game yet and you're gonna start using the quantity argument

>Assuming its shit and never playing it rather than having a neutral tune and see what the game actually is when it comes out.

the op is talking about map sizes dingus so yes
where am I assuming its shit?

the top half of the map is still missing.

there's no way cyberpunk 2077's map cuts off like that at the top.

The OP is implying Cyberpunk is worse because the map is smaller, but we know that it's gonna be more dense and interactive than GTA. I was calling him out. Now your being a faggot

Cyberpunk feels like an actual city.

What did Witcher 3's map look like before the DLCs?

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Witcher 3 is more horizontal, probably 3 times bigger purely on the X axis. However Cyberpunk will be more dense and vertical.

Game had some shit downgrades but it was good regardless.

This level of cope should not be possible

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If you want to make a point, make a point

>Let that sink in
>My wife's boyfriend
Fuck out of here basedboy. Damn a game when it comes out, not before.

The Yakuza series does GTA better than actual GTA and a big reason is that the environment is small and dense instead of a mile wide and an inch thick like it is in GTA. Most of that map is fucking empty wilderness with nothing to do but drive.