According to new “leaks” a new silent hill game is being created by some key members of the original series and will be revealed at a ps5 event in May.
According to new “leaks” a new silent hill game is being created by some key members of the original series and...
I hope this rumours are true.
They are
That's cool and all but I'd rather have Silent Hills
>get a new silent hill game from team silent ogs including the original creator
>or get a silent hill game with a washed up hack that doesn’t understand subtlety along with his Hollywood “friends”
This, we already have 4 games from the OG team. Its time for Silent Hills.
Toyama never got to work on his creation again after sh1.
Let's all finally admit Silent Hills was going to be nothing like PT.
It wasn’t. PT had nothing to do with silent hills. It was just a cool tech demo to announce the game.
Yes, I'll take the latter.
Yea, PT was just a marketing thing. That's why I'm excited to see what Silent Hills was
I like Kojima games
What tech was it showing off?
Why not both?
>Norman Reedus wakes up
>Wow I’m in *Silent Hills*
>*Norman we have an objective for you, it seems like Pyramidheadman is purposely trying to block our holocom messages by using the energy from tortured souls. Get to the light tower and reactivate the human bypass interface to reconnect 100%.
So does everyone except the few spergs on here who can't stand it when people like something they don't.
Pleb filtered again
Unironically would play and enjoy
ps4 can run games without overheating
I disagree with it being a tech demo, it was just a marketing ploy. A very well done marketing ploy.
Does Konami get the most bullshit rumors/leaks after Smash?
Since when are game demos anything but marketing ploys?
Mod from trannyera confirming
Kojima BTFO yet again
why do all the good leaks come from trannyera?
Because like it or not they have a lot of industry insiders. Same as neofag
but why? I mean even reddit is better than trannyera or neofag. Why do industry insiders pick them over other sites?
Maybe they feel like it’s a safe space for whatever reason
fuck off and let the series rest
stop fucking raping it's corpse
Well I shouldn’t say for whatever reason since it’s filled with the most vile politically correct moderation team/admin
Raping it’s corpse would be letting another team other than the creator making it. You’re smoking crack if you think it’s going to be like homecoming/downpour