Some believe the fate of our worlds is inflexible.
Some believe the fate of our worlds is inflexible
Take note developers, this is how you do kino
The writing in this game was so shit compared to the originals
>"Damn that G-Man and his Unforseen Consequences™!"
Like, seriously? Give me a fucking break
Make sure you give your Xen plants the love they deserve
nah all half life 2 era games are like that
but his """"""""""""""employeres"""""""""""""" disagree
Is this a troll? He's specifically referring to those exact words which were used by the Gman at Black Mesa and later by Alyx herself who was being used by Gman. He didn't just choose to use those words randomly.
The Half-Life games were never really big on well-written stories. They were just triumps of gameplay and atmosphere.Both games were literally just b-movie stories about alien invasions.
are you forgetting alyx told him that like 10 minutes before she disappeared
Mr.Tyler in the flesh. Or rather, in the jail. I took the liberty of relieving you of your belongings; most of them were Valve property. As for the lawsuit, I think you’ve earned it.
Has anyone figured out what the weird numbers/message on the radio at the Northern Star hotel lobby means?
Pic related it's the radio the gnome's standing on. When you enter you'll hear a voice listing off random names and it sounds pretty distorted and creepy. It's like a numbers station. I wonder if it means anything and has any hidden clues in the soundfiles. I need a transcript of it.
Aye fuck you Luigi!
She found ze vault? Make ze offer and seel ze deel
Combine's gonna freak when they find out I unplugged their lamp
Are you implying half-life was good before?
Hey, there's this GMod animation video I can't find. It included heavy, the engi and later on the video sniper, it started with heaby giving money to engi but he tells heavy to shut up or something and heavy just burns the money. Heavy dies or something and the sniper does stuff. The video ends with sniper saying "Apples" and turning into one.
lol no
I know, all the callbacks in Alyx are so fucking cringe inducing it makes me want to throw up and smash my fucking rift s into a million pieces. Like yeah I fucking get it, the cake is a lie, you can STFU about it already, I don't need to see endless portal/half-life/TF2/etc call backs, a fucking gnome? really? FUCK valve
Is it any different from the one at the very beginning?
i think its remnants of the original plotline, someone found out that before eric wolpaw returned as writer, your main mission ingame had to do with saving all the vortiguants around the city. The number stations apparently have more bearing on this original plotline, where the brain injury vortigaunt sends you messages through the radio via number stations. Some dialog between the brain injury vortigaunt and the player still exist in the released game (i.e 'ahhh so you recieved my messages')
Shut up
What's so unsettling about this G-Man? Is it the fact the eyes move independently? The hair? the eye color? I can't put my finger on it.
so is tyler going to or not
really gaben?
In the original Eli says "Unforeseen consequences, huh? Heh, the last time I've heard that was when our mutual friend arrived in Black Mesa", though?
There's probably no real meaning to them, some parts of the message are randomized. Its probably a holdover from a previous development storyline, not an ARG.
All of that. You're immersed into his realm entirely, as well. G-Man's scaled to be taller than you, no matter what. He's intimidating in VR, and it's eerie having him lean in, or circle around you.
when his irises glow
its a butthole or what