Japanese "humor"

>Japanese "humor"

Attached: 1587691631898.webm (960x540, 1.75M)

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>obsessively posts the same webm for the 500th time
>>Yas Forums "humor"
I don't even fucking like this game that much but a thread died for this

holy shit that animation looks so awkward. i'm glad i dropped this.

Japanese humor is either really fucking hilarious or super cringy

>"japanese" humor

a smash one so literally nothing worth was lost

What is people's obsession with this one bit in particular? There are way, WAY worse moments in the game than this.
Gramps' """death""" was a fucking mistake

Kidsn weird to bring this ou-
>XC2 thread with 400 replies on the catalog
Oh Yas Forums.

I hate weebs but i hate you even more, OP. Stop making this shitty thread, everything in life is subjective, like humor. Not everyone laugh at the same shit as everyone else

The scenario itself isn't the worst part, it's how fucking horrible the models look in motion. If you're gonna go for this artstyle you absolutely can NOT do regular motion capture if you want it to look good. Jesus, just look at the part at 8 seconds. Fucking horrendous.

Attached: shinji what.jpg (250x250, 6.72K)

idk about you but i really wanna cram my cock between mythra's pillow tits and just go to town, god fucking damn i want to fuck that blonde bimbo.

That's all humor. Anything that's trying to be funny but isn't will always make your spine curl.

I fucking hate coomers who pretend this game isn't garbage.

Yeah but Japanese humor is a special kind of cringy when it's bad

I liked it.

How many years has it been? How many threads?

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Reposting should be a bannable offense on Yas Forums

I disagree. It's painful for sure but I feel the exact same about Big Bazinga Theory.

And I hate tranny discord tourists

not like it would be enforced if it was



Mario DDR did it better.

You know what, I concede now that you mention it

This is fan service, not humor

A lot of Jap humor doesn't know what subtlety is and has to beat you over the fucking head with the joke with explanations

have sex

ice cream? god I love ice cream

no, it's literally supposed to be "funny", fanservice would be them in towels or bikini

>one girl has exposed legs
>the other has exposed navel
If you can't masturbate to that, you're gay

I always enjoy how hurt you seem to be when talking about this game.

who are you talking to?

what are you amish?

Why is the animation so bad here?

I feel like this is what an insects comprehension of how humans act would be close to

>this is what Xenogears has been reduced to

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