take me back....
Never understood why people like this girly shit.
anyway p4 is overrated
another episode of >user enters thread for game he doesn't like to let everyone know how he feels
>tfw have the sound of this song slowing down thanks to PCSX2 and my shitty PC
take me back bros
I made a P4 thread a couple nights back saying that I felt it had the best music. Obviously a lot of people disagreed and said P3 and P5 had better music, so the fanbase I think is really split in terms of soundtrack.
I did like a lot of songs in P5, but P4 is still the winner in my book. I didn't hate any song in the game and that's rare for me. A lot of the songs in P4 were upbeat or just melancholy and I loved it. P3 is all sad and depressing emo garbage and P5 is mostly jazz techno pop soul stuff, which isn't bad.
I'm convinced only edgelords and emos liked P3.
>take me back....
read this thread gamespot.com
>12 years ago
I wonder where these people are in life nowadays....
Small time. youtube.com
I liked P3 a lot because it was my first entrance to the series and yeah it’s definitely edgier then 4 or 5, but it’s the most coherent thematically, I think. I really didn’t like Aigis though.
>click on random account in that thread
>almost 20 thousand posts
>last reply 8 years ago
now I just feel worse
God i miss this. Why are P5fags so gay? I got nothing against the game but the new fans it brought in are just terrible
Fuck, man. I remember never seeing P3 so my first entry was P4 shortly after its release. I ended up introducing my friends and they loved it. Fucking hell time flies.
Why does every persona game have some japanse women singing in barely comprehensible english
I wrote a paper in college on how P4 nailed the school shooter archetype before it was really a thing with Adachi. I was fully aware it was super autistic to do so, but I loved the game so much I felt it deserved some actual academic attention or at least Adachi's character.
>sitting on my bed playing P4 on my PS2 on my CRT
>Didn’t own any next gen systems yet
I wanna go back bros..
did you get an A, son.
>I wrote a paper in college on how P4 nailed the school shooter archetype
That's small time, user. Call me when you do a powerpoint presentation in a communications class in front of 25 people on how women are degraded in anime and use Sailor Moon and ecchi pictures for examples. I did that and got an A, but everyone in the class thought I was even more weird
P5 is better.
4's still the best.
best girl
That shit is nothing, some black weeb girl who was an art major in my college made her gallery P4 fanart but didn't bring attention to its source, but it was obvious what it was from.
Just started a new golden run. Who should I romance?
Get out of here
>old good new bad
> I did that and got an A, but everyone in the class thought I was even more weird
Hey, an A is an A user.
>P4G still isn't released to home consoles yet
I didn't really care, but I could obviously tell doing an anime presentation in a class of normalfags where 95% of them were "religious christian fanatics" was bothersome to them. Lots of hot normalfag girls in the class as well. Clearly way out of my league and I could tell some of them were uncomfortable with my presentation. The professor didn't seem to mind it that much. I think it was just because it was something creative/different plus she told me she was interested in anime or at least knew of it and thought someone using it as research material was different.
She was like a 55-60 year old woman as well, but she was super laidback.
Never got the paper grade back but I got an A- in the class. I don't think it helped me pretty sure I had an A before. It was a video game studies class so I don't think it hurt me to bad.
I hope you asked her out
Im writing my very last college paper for a class on American spirituality and the environment on Miyazaki. My professor honestly seemed really interested despite having never heard of him before
>Video game studies class
Jesus Christ...how many mouth breathers and obese fedoralords/neckbeards were in that class?
Is it fucked up I think I loved Rise more than any real girl I've ever been close to
There were two. One of them was genuinely insufferable and I wanted to kill him. Overall I was saved by my college being a very expensive private school so we only have Chads and Stacies.
The class mostly had a lot of hockey players looking for an ez A. We played Fortnite one day in class and I got a victory Royale and they all lost their shit it was incredible. Chads are superior to nerds I'm sorry
>looks like a ps1 game
>it will get better over time