REMINDER: All the NEP games are on SALE right now!

REMINDER: All the NEP games are on SALE right now!

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Who cares, weeb

Why should I buy them?

you're getting a lot of cute for cheap

No fucking way I am buying any of those games I have them already

>I have them already
I do too and have no fucking idea how.
I guess Humble Bundle

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Every other week, another Idea Factory/Neptunia sale
Everyone who wants these games already has them at this point

I bought all of them at release

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nah impossible
there's always people who havent played a Nep game

Are any of these games remotely good?

I can't play this shit man. Every time I do I lose interest so quickly and the characters and dialog make me want to ram my head into a wall.

I've considered buying one of them before. Are there any of them that are actually good rpg's or games on their merits other than waifu shit?

yes they're good

Give me an infographic or dump on what sequence to play these shit eating waifu rpg's in then, i'm waiting, convert me
there's like 500 of these shits and they're all named total nonsense

Play them in this order

>None of them

Thank you for your time.

No it's garbage. It's not even good waifu shit.

you usually start with Re;birth 1
then if you want to follow the mainline then you play
- Re; birth 2
- Re; birth 3
- V-II (Don't touch VIIR, that is an unnecessary remake and fucked up technically)
Then for side games you play
- Neptune VS Sega Hard-girls
- 4 Godesses Online

The above are the safest and are all good games. I doubt anyone with a soul can bring themselves to hate the above games.

Now the following only get if you're willing to gamble with your money

If you want some Dynasty-warriors-type gameplay with Neps you get
- MegaTagmension Blanc
- Neptunia U Action Unleashed

If you want some shmup action:
- Neptunia Shooter

If you want some Valkyrie Profile Nep-style:
- Super Neptunia RPG

If you want tactics:
- Hyperdevotion Noire

i already had all the neps
except for the bad one. the canadian one.

What is your favorite nep game?
What is your favorite spin-off?

For me it's "Re;Birth 2" and "4 Goddesses Online"

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literally not a single good game in the entire franchise

t. NPC

Not even worth playing for free.

>except for the bad one. the canadian one.
I dunno, some people over at Nep Gen are saying it's actually a decent game

I have them all already

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I just want a good hack and slash, which one is the best one?

I already played the first 3 neptunias.

Better on PlayStation Entertainment Systems

+i see that youre a coombrain, except that theres better waifu pantyanimoo games out there than fucking neptunia

nigga I bet you'd be playing them if you get 'em for free

I still haven't played a single one as there seems to be hundreds of them and I wouldn't even know where to start since there are remakes and ports.

I want a 100% Orange Juice X Neptunia collab
imagine playable Neps in OJ

Like what?
inb4 trails of

>I wouldn't even know where to start

And not a single game is good.

Unless it's only their HDD forms, keep your shitty neps away from my juice

No, I paid for them when they were even more heavily discounted and they're all ass. I just powered through them to not waste my money. I'd never recommend any of them to anyone, even for free. They're all mechanically terrible and extremely low effort cash grabs.

scared the Neps will overshadow your fave OJ character?