What are my Muslim brothers playing for Ramadan? I'm replaying Witcher 3.
What are my Muslim brothers playing for Ramadan? I'm replaying Witcher 3
don't blow yourself here please
Im playing with ya mum
Get off of Yas Forums. Disgusting terrorist don't deserve to even be posting here.
Yen definitely looks like she could be a Muslim in the Netflix adaptation
Careful user, I don't wanna have to bomb gook's advertisers
He looks like he's having a bomb!
Salam Alakhum brother, its great to see fellow muslim brothers here. Right now I'm playing league of legends , Veigar mid mashalla. Hopefully i get out of gold, inshallah
Yakuza 0. It's a bit risky on the side though so I'm not sure it's a good choice
Just playing some Mario Maker 2.
Reminder that other minroties in the US hate you.
everyone hates sandniggers
the funny thing about pislamists is how desperately they try to claim white people accomplishments, they're even more desperate that niggers in this regard
Literally who gives a shit
never read the books but is she actually brown in them?
Its funny white people think they made anything when their culture is built on stealing from others
>the redditors who actually think hes mooslem and wont just play along
Playing this, love it.
>Playing games
>Browsing Yas Forums
>Playing WITCHER of all games
user I-
>b-buh yu steeil culture!
>modern civilization is 99.9% WHITE european achievements
lmao ok monkey
remember that we also permit you to exist and could nuke you off the face of the earth anytime :)
Everyone hates each other in the US no matter what. Market capitalism has completely rotted all of your brains and you no longer care about anyone but your own self and money. On top of that most of you are atheists or protestants, some of the most selfish beliefs anyone could have.
I pray for my brothers in your soil, they must have a hard time dealing with you soulless husks.
Happy Ramadan, anons. Please eat enough to keep your immune system strong.
>playing games during ramadan
haraam desu
Don't care, still love em
American, please try and go 1 (one) thread without bringing up genocide.
Muslims are cringey faggots. Allah doesn’t exist.
Modern civilization is cancer, so congrats on making a surveillance state with 5G radiation burning your brain cells away. Hope you like being a slave to the system
Gas all subhuman mudlimes fuck off roach
Mega cope. Muslims love the survilleance state and hate freedom that’s why muslims elect dictatorships or overthrow to put another one in place see ISIS. Muslims are truly human refuse, I’m not saying anybody else is better but something happened after ww1 that turned everybody into trash. Thankfully I’m a Muslim that can easily turn my back on Islam and won’t get killed for it.
Kys ahmed
Playing some retro games tonight
you done larping about pislamist culture, cuckboy?
thank me for having a refrigerator, subhuman
>Thankfully I’m a Muslim that can easily turn my back on Islam and won’t get killed for it.
Dumbfuck do you think Muslim is a race? If you turn your back on Islam you aren't Muslim.
>that’s why muslims elect dictatorships or overthrow to put another one in place see ISIS.
Incorrect that was done by CIA, you arent a muslim youre a braindead atheist