Attached: RE2.jpg (3271x1790, 429.6K)
All those jrpgs from the PS1 would benefit immensely from the N64 loading times
Jose Ramirez
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Jacob Young
Yes, but that is not a practical conclusion between the two systems. N64 games hardly had any data compared to CD's. The average PS1 game literally has about 10x more data, and CD's are additionally less expensive to produce. Cartridges were a big reason why developers fell away and caused the N64 to not have any JRPGs in the first place.
Jason Martin
all two of the n64's games would benefit immensely from the ps1's superior hardware.
Ayden Peterson
But then how could they fit all the movies?
Brandon Turner
Then mount the ISO and run it off an SSD
Liam Martin
Honestly, if the consoles never existed we would've gotten all those games and more easily enough eventually AND feature rich and complete.
Cooper Scott
I like how Sony fanboys are so cancerous they are the only ones that pretend weaker hardware is stronger. You don't see Xbox fans pretending the Xbone was stronger than the PS4 or Nintendo fans pretending the Wii was stronger than the PS3.
Isaiah Parker
What? The N64 was the weakest console that generation. The fuco is wrong with you Ninten drones?
Evan Gray
Samuel Barnes
N64 was extremely lop-sided in its design and relied on its CPU to do all the sound. While it was first to have Z-buffer, perspective-correct textures, and texture filtering, ignorance in other areas severely hampered overall performance. Call the PS1 wobbly all day, but it had the fastest console 3D by far, as well as a considerably higher capacity for textures/resolution.
Henry Foster
It wasn't perfect but it was still the most powerful console when it came out.
Isaiah Allen
stop being retarded. The N64 was limited to like 50MB per game vs PS1 700MB per disc. N64 could have been more powerful and faster but it came at the cost of one of the biggest and nastiest bottlenecks it could possibly have.
Wyatt Gomez
Justin Powell
>nintard continues to shill for shitty 17MB cartridges
Chase Sanders
Most N64 games were 8 or 16MB with the big name games like OoT being 32MB, the largest were 64MB but that was only three games (RE2, Conker's Bad Fur Day and Pokemon Stadium 2). Most of PSX game size is music and FMV.
Evan Reed
Most PS1 games (especially JRPGs) minus the FMVs and red book audio were very tiny. 50MB and less. 50MB would be a big expensive 512Mb N64 cart obviously but that 50MB could have also been compressed down to less than half its size on a cart easily. But you’re still right about carts and their cost compared to CDs. CDs cost pennies to make while carts cost $20 or more. At the time I mean.
But today, a massive capacity N64 cart could be made. Or more realistically, one with a card reader and a very large capacity high speed flash card that could hold the entire N64 library several times over plus a good chunk of the PS1 library. PS1 would need a mod to read off a card reader. In that sense, over a long period of time carts win. Hell some guy made an NES cart running a raspberry pi. An actual working NES cart in an unmodded NES using its controller and video output somehow and emulating a SNES. I’m not even sure how that works but the screen has artifacts
Hunter Wood
Kek people actually believe this. Without consoles there'd be no gaming.
Alexander Perry
You could probably get FF7 to fit on a N64 cart with a lot of the redundant and superficial FMV removed (like FMV just for elevators moving and shit). The entirety of the actual program of FF7 is on all three discs duplicated, it's only the FMVs that are different which is why you can swap discs in the middle of gameplay and it will still play fine until a FMV has to start.
Blake Lee
PSX 3D wasn’t even real 3D. N64 had an actual 3D accelerator, a handicapped version of a much more expensive chip and similar to early PC 3D accelerators. PSX had to use the CPU a lot to compensate for what it lacked in 3D rendering via software tricks which is why later games looked so good despite no texture filtering, AA, or perspective correction. The latter being a huge problem and the reason why the pixels and polys subtly move when there is motion.
Adrian Ward
I mean, yeah. That pretty clearly shows why N64 lagged behind. Everything slowed the fuck down because it was all running off one unified ram, so it bottlenecked to hell while the other consoles managed to properly split the work load. And it doesn't even mention CD vs cartridge specifications.
Or are you an idiot that thinks "bigger number means better?"
Cameron Gray
>That pretty clearly shows why N64 lagged behind.
In terms of what exactly?
Connor Cruz
>virtual overclocking to x1.25 or x1.5
enjoy instant load times and 60 fps
Eli Mitchell
xenogears style. throw up some screenshots and explain what happened lmao.
Jason Brooks
You absolutely could. Without the FMVs and duplicate data, the remaining data is 40MB which is smaller than RE2 for N64. That 40MB could have been further compressed since it’s running off a cart and the cutscenes replaced with in-engine. Would have been the same size as OoT
Colton Wilson
If the the N64 was such a good console, it should have been more friendly to third party developers or shot itself in the foot when Nintendo was acting like dicks to them by hoarding cartiridges for their first party games.
And the one third party dev that stood by them, Rareware, they fucked over HARD when they were noticing their success.
Those are the main reasons nobody wanted to make games with Nintendo because they were hostile back in the 90s.
Levi Gutierrez
You have it backwards. The jrpgs needed the increased disk space CDs offered for things like prerendered videos and CD quality soundtracks. FF7 could never have come out on N64.
Ethan Allen
enable GTE Precision in EPSXE emulator and it fixes all wobbling in the graphics
Ryan Sanchez
Caleb Roberts
PS1 was definitely 'real 3D'. It was created specifically as a 3D console with pic related as one of its early games. Only console of that gen you could reasonably argue the 'real 3D' thing is Saturn with everything being made of distorted sprites, i.e. an afterthought.
Of course later games on the PS1 used hardware-specific tricks, as with all consoles, definitely not least of which was N64.
Sebastian Lee
They barely got RE2 to work, and that was a game with a couple FMV scenes sprinkled throughout and 4-5 hours worth of pre-rendered backgrounds with 3D models on them. I don't think a lot of the longer PS1 JRPG titles would have been possible without a lot of fuckery or building it for the N64 from the ground up.
Charles Perez
That didn't answer my question.