These three games are nearly identical structurally. Why is it only okay when one of them does it?
These three games are nearly identical structurally. Why is it only okay when one of them does it?
I'd actually say they are similar in the way Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim are similar.
One is an rpg.
One is an rpg trying to break off into action.
One is action.
FFX is trash along with the people who like it.
Because old is good and new is bad
More like it's only not okay when one of them does it, and that's because it doesn't have any towns
It's actually fine for all three of them to do it and Yas Forumsirgins will cry about literally any game for literally any reason.
Ironically, the most hated of these three games has, objectively, a better story than 90% of final fantasy games.
FFX’s problem is not linearity at all. It’s problem is a stupid fucking narrative and mostly really stupid characters.
FFXIII’s problem isn’t linearity, it’s a complete lack of anything other than combat to do in the game.
FF7R has no problems so fuck off OP
I agree but retards still complain about linearity in final fantasy when every game between 1 and 10 was linear. I guess a cartoonish overworld with characters the size of godzilla walking around is enough to disguise it.
>FFX has a bad narrative and bad characters
>FF7R is perfect
This is bait or cope
They're all great.
The only game where linearity is the real complaint is FFXIII because that game is fucking terrible in goddamn every way
The only people who call FFX linear are XIII defenders trying to look different
Most people enjoy the Remake ending
>One is an rpg trying to break off into action.
what? xiii didn't go action until lightning returns.
>the ending made it perfect
It was cope after all
FFX and 7r have charming moments and characters
XIII doesnt
Fucking retard, I said the ending is liked by most people. I didn’t say anything is perfect. Go suck a chode
10 is 100% linear lmao don't even try to say it isn't
>FFXIII’s problem isn’t linearity
FF13 has so many problems, including the linearity.
>did not do Omega Dungeon
>did not find all the Aeons
>did not do all the legendary weapons
What a fucking pleb
>nearly identical structuraly
just cuz they are linear
I will not say that FFX has a masterpiece of a battle system, but it is fun, the story although stupid at times it is kinda okay, and the music is top notch
FFXIII battle system is boring af (my button literally became a little more off after pressing only A through the whole game), and the story and characters are even dumbier than FFX
Even the summon system that started with X and was carried out in XII and XIII is worse in the latter
I liked FFVIIR, but I think it is hard to compare with these other two games
The main problem with XIII isn't the structure, it's the combat.
inb4 chrono trigger
>FFX bad narrative
holy fuck get retard filtered kid
While X and VIIR are linear, they give you opportunity to break the linearity by various means such as revisiting a town or do sidequests and you can have a bit of liberty developing the characters from the start. XIII however, it's a straight line from start to pretty much 2/3 parts of the game with rigid setup for combat and progression of your party. Then you notice that the sidequests are pretty much the same shit you do earlier in the game and that the last chapters are still a hallway.
Holy fuck I forgot about XIII’s summon system.
Just remembering that system fills me with so much fucking rage. It’s the worst summon system in the history of Final Fantasy and XII’s was pretty fucking bad. It’s even worse than XV I would say
OK, I misspoke. I like the narrative especially a church led by the undead. I hate the characters like Tidus and Wakka and Kimahri who are just worthless.
Lulu, Auron, and Yuna are a good group though. Rikku is OK
Not even once.
>the story and characters are even dumber than FFX
The characters are pretty unlikeable, I'll give you that one. And I can forgive you if you got bored and stopped paying attention half way through. But FFXIII has the better story for many reasons.
>the girls and the edgy guy with a big sword
You just saw the laughing scene and completely disregarded every shred of Tidus' character growth. The fact that you're labeling the lead character as worthless is just retarded. It's literally his story.
It’s quite literally not his fucking story it’s Yuna’s fucking story. He’s just the weirdo who they brought along and his petulant shiftiness eventually leads to eradicating Sin but it’s not his story
I hate you for saying that
that's fucking hilarious.
you can't even differentiate the story of the summoner and the summoner's guardian
You’re being retarded intentionally.
I can tell the difference between their stories retard.
so how the fuck did you come to the conclusion that it's not his story? Are you being deliberately obtuse and concluding that the fact that his story follows Yunas makes it hers? If you want Yuna's story, go play FFX-2 (which is actually shuyin's, i'd imagine you'd argue)
If it was ever Yuna's story, it stopped as soon as Yunalesca died. Her role as a summoner was obliterated and Tidus ended up being the one to save the world. Just say you hate him, but don't pretend that Gothtits or the jailbait character had more important roles than he did. Their stories are as deep as their pussies go and that's about it.
because one of them finally got most of it right expect for last hour.
Nah it was fun. Summons are just attack spells with long animations in slot of the games, I don't know how you can say 13 is worst there
Because Yuna is the character this is all happening to. Zidane is almost similar but Zidane at least TOOK ACTION by abducting Garnet. Tidus just bumblefucks his way through the game