Has been the strongest character in the game since inception and still hasn't been removed

>has been the strongest character in the game since inception and still hasn't been removed

Attached: 340[1].png (340x340, 62.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:


from a pure numbers perspective he isn't though


Percentage of games won with medic > percentage of games won without when facing a team with one

>is immediately targeted the moment they are seen

>Is so chad that he uses a crit heavy weapon against his enemies that builds up his most powerful ability
I'm thinking based.

a healing class in any game isn't going to be removed. They are the most valuable component to any team, party or organization.

This game is dead.

>literally sitting behind making sure everyone else is having fun
Dare I say the cuckold of video games?

only half the time

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>he cares about winning in tf2
nigger identified

Attached: terry pulls the trigger.jpg (990x682, 49.4K)

Yes and that's a problem. No one class should have such a huge affect on the outcome of a match just by picking them. This doesn't account for any player skill.

>winning doesn't matter
t. shitter or friendly hoovy autist

This is still so relevant even to this day. I loved playing Medic and everyone wouldn't target me except a sniper who struggled to hit the broad side of a barn. If they did, because I kept healing my team mates rather than butt plug as a pocket medic, they'd save me with sandviches or piss.

The problem is the system that depends so much on health management. I'm betting in most instances (tf2 as an example in this thread), getting health regularly is difficult on most courses/maps/stages. Damage output outweighs the abundance of health packs and other alternative healing components.

>you saw two three medics while defending the last point
>blue team retreats
>everything goes silent
>silence prolongs more than it should

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What's wrong with that? People are supposed to die in this game.

>instantly builds uber out of sawing people
fucking chad

not in this game

Attached: burly_beast.jpg (250x259, 16.81K)

Demo is the strongest class since inception though, sticky and grenade is the highest damage output and he is mobile and high health. Medic isn't a damage class, he can't carry a bad team.

Sniper is the strongest. Being able to one hit kill any class instantly from almost anywhere in the map with no true counter is op as fuck dude.

imagine not wanting to win a game, fucking unironic loser

Well no shit, he's the only healer in the game. Healer vs no healer is gg for team who doesn't hav ehim.

This if your team isn't able to kill people then you're gonna have a worse time. Since a medics just ensure that a team can apply pressure during an extended period by cutting down on time spent respawning. Or push into enemy strong points with an uber to shatter their cohesion. A medic alone isn't gonna save your team, but having one and working with him just might.

He is but nobody likes to play him and fuck competitive. He balances out to be fine

this is the reason I only play on cp_powerhouse
sniper is balanced by the amount of sight lines he has and powerhouse has a grand total of three sight lines that let sniper actually outrange any other class

The tired expression is very relatable.

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>shock was in the game for only the beta
>they removed him because he was too "centralizing"
>they keep this piece of shit in

This. Only reason he isn't a 24/7 team member in competitive is because of lack of mobility in getting to mid. After the first midfight, it's not too uncommon to see a Scout go Sniper for the rest of the game

Isn't this also true for other characters though? Percentage of games won with soldier > percentage of games won without?

Medic is easy stop whining shitter

>having control of over who lives and who dies
cringe and bluepilled

Sucks to be a heavy

>another healfag trying to act like they are more important than dps
go back to rp-ing tanks dude, ill handle the enemy team

not really
every class except medic has another class that fulfills essentially the same basic role
soldier = demo = pyro
sniper = spy = scout
heavy = engineer
no one except for medic has the ability to be a portable heal dispenser that also makes people invincible
all of the substitutes (multiple banners at once, co-ordinated piss throws) are both not as effective and require more co-ordination than an uberchage

He is the strongest at killing a by a mile and he's super easy to play too. Literally just spam stickies onto the point.

Is the situation with the source code leak dealt with yet? Can I go back to playing TF2?

What's the first thing that comes to mind?

Attached: Sniper.png (340x340, 68.9K)

shitty spinbot that gets deleted by some soldier walking next to him and putting a direct hit up his ass

>spitting sound effect

I just lost a match on 3 point cp because of one demo man and stickies. Literally no way to get past him. I don't know what the fuck valve was thinking when the gave him two primaries that are so far and above the best.

Stop making me want to play TF2 while it's in an unplayable state.

How does that mean strongest though? That could also mean that heavy+engineer are just BOTH the strongest, or soldier+demo as the strongest.



I was replying to
>Percentage of games won with soldier > percentage of games won without?

he's in the game to break stalemates. if medic didn't exist then every single game would either time out or go on for hours on end depending on the game mode


The feeling of popping an uber/being ubered and spearheading the push that wins the game is still unmatched by all these other hero shooters.

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Stalemates only exist because of defensive classes like engie and demoman.

no fun allowed if he's good enough
waste of a player slot if he's average or shit

love that feel, don't even feel bad about losing to a well coordinated push in tf2

*Airblasts you into a wall while your heal target obliviously charges in*
nothing personal, medic

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