Why do you guys love this game so much?

Why do you guys love this game so much?

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because they're zoomers and ffx was their first final fantasy. same reason why wind waker is worshipped on here for zelda.

It's not a masterpiece, but it is a fun game, and the battle theme is probably one of the best in the series (for me losing only to IX)

Wind waker is one of the best its better than that horseshit breath of the wild

If I've never played it, and I just want an enjoyable linear story, is it fun?

botw is worse, but wind waker is still unfinished trash with fisher-price graphics.

The game is pretty cheesy but the story is really fun, great setting/aesthetics too. Yeah, it's linear.

>Yeah, it's linear.
Which makes it bad.

for most of these zoomers it's their first childhood Final Fantasy game.


It is easily the best game in the Final Fantasy series.

Said no one ever.

it was perfect

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>not a masterpiece

in the scope of JRPGS it is absolutely a masterpiece by any definition. It has the finest soundtrack ever recorded for a JRPG; it has full voice acting and facial gestures, a first for the genre.
The combat system has not been topped by any entry in the series since, and chances are they will never recapture the magic of turn based combat like FFX did. Was the combat revolutionary? No, but it was perfectly competent and engaging. Could have used a bit more depth overall.

nah tho.

>muh open world driven by map markers

>muh emergent gameplay

name one game that's actually managed to succeed at realizing emergent gameplay without fucking up some other facet of the gameplay irredeemably

I don't

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i'm 30 and it was my first FF. I think it's the pinnacle of the series desu. 12 had great potential but the combat system demands a level of autism that i personally cannot muster

>The combat system has not been topped by any entry in the series since
it got topped by its own sequel, along with many other games in the series.

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Last good Final Fantasy

its the true final fantasy because its the final game in the series thats actually good

This, FFX's battle system was fantastic. Characters could be swapped out on the fly, overdrives were stored and could be used whenever, you actually got to see the order of the next several turns and could see how status changing items would affect the order, you really were able to plan out a solid optimal strategy every turn.

As someone who beat FFX-2, it's combat system isn't awful by JRPG standards but still a real letdown compared to how perfect FFX's was.

Daily reminder that Final Fantasy XII is the greatest Final Fantasy game ever and there's nothing you can do or say to change that. ALSO fuck you, Ashe is best girl fight me.

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Final Fantasy X came out in 2001. If you were 13 and you played Final Fantasy X in 2003 you would be 30 now. Most fans are in their 30s now.

it plays itself

>not fran


Imagine posting something so stupid.

should i play IX or X first? I have a switch

why are you using words you don't know the meaning of? the game is almost 20 years old at this point

>all FF games are linear, X is no different!

FF7 had entire optional party members you could get shortly after you first get access to the world map if you know where to go. With that said when people say FFX is linear/doesn't have a world map they don't mean to say that the earlier games with world maps were skyrim. What they mean is that FFX has literally two things you can consider optional before you get the airship right before the very last dungeon in the game and they're just two fights against the other summoner to get the items that buff your summons (which you find by walking one inch off to the side of the road) and the yojimbo dungeon. I guess you can maybe race birds and start the magus sisters quest and dodge lightning bolts but you can't really take advantage of any of that until you get the airship and most of that sucks anyway.

It's not a very repayable game because there's very little you can miss. There's what, one fucking scene that changes based on the character affinity points system it copies from ff7 and otherwise it just exists to determine who throws you the ball in blitz ace? it's absolutely a step back compared to FF7, the last time a final fantasy game jumped to a new console gen

I'll admit it's my first, but it's my favorite because of the sphere grid.

Blitzball alone makes this an amazing game

Unironically the worst >game in the series and only literal autists argue otherwise, should've just been a book or a movie series