Any games where the love interest is a tomboy?

any games where the love interest is a tomboy?

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That's gay

>isn't a shota

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Tomboys aren't allowed to exist anymore.

Ok tranny lover.

Ace Combat 5




real life

Quite the contrary my newfriend!

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Rune factory tides of destiny kind of

Most of the time.

Where's the game where your love interest is a hyper-effeminate big-titted bitch that melts in your arms?

i agree with the other user in a mournful way
it's not what i want, it's what it is

>draw a teenager
>call it shota


ok anons, which one were you?

You think I'm happy saying that?

>being gay

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Mix of the first two

Make your own thread faggot

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>faggot discards anything

zelda games when she's young
arguably when she's older if Shiek counts

Tomboys are for NTR with big ugly fat fucks
You know it's true. All of the best doujin speak to this universal truth.
Childhood best friend? Love interest? Tomboy?

Fictional tomboys are sadly forever to that position. IRL tomboys are all huge sluts.

>shotacon is gay
You have to go back

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Tomboys mimmick the guys they grow up with. Just don't be a thirsty slut yourself and she'll be fine.

It's pretty gay to like a boy bro

hyper + magical boy
now I’m just sad

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Tales of Destiny.

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r u a girl (girl)?

Devil May Cry, Castlevania 3, Persona optionally, etc. King of Fighters has several.

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>tfw like shota, loli, twinks, small breasts, large breasts and everything in between
The only body types I don't like is fat and older men.

>go back
just as soon as ICE sends you back to spicland for trying to fuck my dog again, Paco

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Is she considered a tomboy?

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Rich kid except I'm actually poor and work a lot to spend it all on piano lessons and clothes.