You're a purist!

>You're a purist!

>You really wanted a 1:1 remake of the original?!

>You just hate change!!

>The original still exists, so go play that instead!!!

Attached: Tifa.png (112x254, 14.9K)

i agree with you, i never played ff7 but i can relate to other remakes. yes the people who played the original game want basically a 1:1 remake. obviously we expect some changes to make it a REMAKE but not the majority of the game changed.

thats selling a different game with the originals name for sales

>"If you don't like it, don't buy it!"
>Game flops hard
How long til liberals get out of the game industry?

ff7r is the most successful jrpg of all time and is easily the GOTY though?

FF7 needed a remake like FF4 DS instead.

Bye then?

ff7 is selling millions already, not sure where you're going with this.

>Game is a success

The game was rigged from the start.

Aerith is going to live and I am going to enjoy the rage

I'm trying to play the original but man there's something very wrong with the English localization. Sometimes the dialogue is hard to follow and sometimes the sentences don't seem to make sense in the current context.

>You're a purist!

>You really wanted a 1:1 remake of the original?!

>You just hate change!!

>The original still exists, so go play that instead!!!
No, I’m not going to shut up about it and I’ll proceed to cry about like a baby that didn’t get what it wanted

how based can one man get?

They fucking say it's the fastest selling exclusive than the last every time. And still believing sales numbers when Captain Marvel's box office was a lie? You're retarded.

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What I don't get is that they said they wouldn't be changing anything but just adding to the game. I don't mind the idea of changing the story but I wish that they'd been more straightforward with it and that they just...did it. None of this Whisper bullshit. Just make the changes you want and roll with it.

they should have done a small remake with simple graphics and no voice acting

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How is it that Yas Forums can call out normies while sperging over one of the most Reddit games in the industry? You'd be better off shitposting about Ocarina of Time or Assassin's Creed.

Attached: tumblr_mc2hurviSM1qagop1o1_500.gif (500x434, 77.78K)

why couldn't FFVII get the FFVIII Remastered treatment but done competently

Because Square Enix can't resist raping FF7's corpse time and time again. I think it's partly envy that they'll never make something so beloved and influential again, so they feel the need to defile it.


port and remake fags are some of the most annoying bitches
every time a new generation of consoles come out
and it'll just keep cycling every new generation with their annoying bullshit

Go back to Yas Forums

If they didn't want to make a remake, they shouldn't have said they were making a remake.

I don't call out normies. I call out faggots, like you. Stop being a faggot and play the game, incel.

Remake =/= Remaster

>You're a purist!

>You really wanted a 1:1 remake of the original?!

>You just hate change!!

>The original still exists, so go play that instead!!!
N-no... the graphics are bad, it's too antiquated! Instead I'm going to throw a tantrum on the Internet until they make a zoomer version of the game for me!

Attached: 1530825682331.png (434x327, 54.65K)

anyone could have, and actually did, tell you guys it was definitely not going to be 1:1, yes, it was a stupid word choice but they're japs and don't know english words contextually speaking
you otherwise have no common sense and we had been warning you the entire time because we're geniuses with free will and you're a follower of hobgoblin comedy

hah fucking loser FF7 Remake was the best version

They did make a remake, you want a remaster

FF7R was literally made to appeal to zoomers.

What's wrong with better graphics?

Attached: NoChibiMod.webm (720x480, 536.11K)

>played the FF7R expecting a remake
>miss half of the points regarding the story ending
>play FF7 for clarity, but I already got spoiled about Cloud and Zack

but like meleefags you just want the same game to come out each time everytime and that's what they'll allocate all their human resources for development on because of it instead of making an entirely new game
because bitches always just want old games but in new grafics instead of new games in new grafics, and then you'll be like "WELL THE OLD GAMES ARE SUPERIOR THEYLL NEVER MAKE A GOOD NEW GAME" and don't even have the fucking self awareness to see how ironic and stupid such a sentiment is

Attached: unironically.jpg (960x929, 173.95K)

But FF7R already made some changes with the fighting system and more sub quest/plot. They just decided to go the extra mile and change the story at the end. And this is what pretty much everyone disliked.

They could have just made a Jenova boss fight as the end game boss, instead of blowing the load with Sepiroth so early in game

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> Played the original back when it was new in my teens
> Remake is a million times better

I understand not wanting to remaster a game from the previous console generation but FF7 came out in 1997 and has aged like milk, they didnt have to remake it with next gen graphics, voice acting and a different combat system.
Square Enix will still make more mediocre Final Fantasy sequels what's wrong with getting an updated version of a good one?

Attached: FF7mods.webm (1920x1080, 1.9M)

>FF7 came out in 1997 and has aged like milk

Attached: zoomer.png (434x327, 31.64K)

If the entire game was 1:1 with new assets it would be a remake by definition whether you're happy with 7R or not.

How am I wrong grandpa?

>the point of the analogy is that milk gets spoiled really fast
>user misses hit and aswer with meme image

I didn't want a 1:1 remake. I just wanted an actual remake that wasn't self-aware or full of childish elements like time police ghosts, Cait Sith showing up for no reason during what should be a horrible dramatic moment, and characters being killed and revived on the spot. I wanted new characters to fit the setting instead of being Demyx on a motorcycle.

Yep. Why even worry about the remake then? Pretend like it doesn't exist

double-digit IQ

Liberals are fine with the game flopping. If that's what the market has decided, so be it.

Are you playing the steam version or the original PS1? The steam version was fine

It is not a fucking remake you moron. It is a pseudo-sequel and is not a standalone game and you need to play the original to understand most of it.

There is a retranslation mod (even tought it makes Cait Sith extremely scottish)

It is not a remake nor a remaster. Resident Evil 2 Remake is a remake, but this is not.

>ff7r is the most successful jrpg of all time
Do you think people believe you're shit narrative Reddit

This might be the shittiest part for people who never played the original.

I would be mostly fine with the game if they never marketed it as a remake. It is not a remake but more of a sequel.

Breath of Fire IV Chads don't know what aged milk tastes like.

>You really wanted a 1:1 remake of the original?
there are a lot of ways they could've gone that wouldn't be a 1:1 remake and wouldn't be as retarded as what we got. fuck off with your false dichotomy bullshit.
also, anyone who thinks time janitor ghosts are an interesting story element must be suffering brain damage

Attached: NO SPOILERS REEEE.webm (854x472, 2.78M)

I like how no one ever refutes this. 7R fags can only think in absolutes. I like the gameplay and some of the expanded bits but they went too far with the ghosts and Sephiroth, basically spoiled the game already

one is only on one console, the other is on ps, xbox and pc, still, good numbers, Ill be waiting for the Xbox series X version.