When will sheep begin to wake up and realize that Kojima has never made a snigle good game?
I thought Snatcher was okay.
MGS3 was the flash in the pan.
kojima has never made a game. hes not a programmer. hes not an aritst. hes only barely a writer.
Mgs3 was pretty fun especially once they fixed the camera
He has, mgs3 and 5 were the best
Imagine being pleb filtered by Kojima.
When will contrarianfags stop saying that Kojima has never made a SNIGLE good game when all of them are really fun to play and even tho MGSV has a shit tier story, is a really good stealth game?
fo snigle ma nigle
This. Kojima got famous solely because he was the only guy at konami in the 80s who watched hollywood action movies and had the audacity to blatantly plagiarize them
>Digital Faggotry
wow ... that's so fricken deep ....
It is
When will retards stop thinking their opinions are facts? Serious question
u u u u
All of you, to Reddit. Now.
fuck off kid
all me
video games like movies are a collaborative process, I don't know why directors get circle jerked so hard. sometimes they contribute A LOT from writing to forming and implementing the entire vision, sometimes they're just there to manage different departments and creative talent. kojima is closer to a target store manager than a brilliant auteur
and to add to this the thing that people find endearing, insane, surprising, etc. about these games is the writing of which kojima didn't do any, he just signs his name stan lee style
whether it is or not, your response so fucking retarded. no insight or argument to back up your shitty attitude
Of course. He only makes good art. He basically wrote brave new world of our generation and lived to see it become reality
Wait, he didn't make a good game?
Then why did I enjoy them?
Is my life a lie?
>insight or argument
yeah, just like the shitty quote in the image he provided.
yes, it was merely a lie
no insight or argument*
Stop referring to Digital Shillery
When will contrarians give up and stop hating things just because they're popular?
I like every MGS except for 5. I like 4 even though a lot of the plot is retarded. The gameplay in 5 is fine, but it's repetitive and the lack of story really gives you no real motivation to carry on. If it was ten hours, maybe.