Why have you stopped playing Overwatch?
Why have you stopped playing Overwatch?
it sucks lol
shit game, shit community, shit developers, the works
big blueberry butt
It's literally play a character with CC or get the fuck out the game. Only braindead monkeys keep playing that filth.
it's only good for porn
it's just not fun anymore and hasn't improved a single bit in the 4 years it's been out.
Also porn is free, when will coomers understand this?
>mfw never touched the game
>mfw always touched my dick to the porn
I play games to enjoy myself
Big blue futa cock.
I haven't because I'm not a sheep that follows the Yas Forums hive. Watch: a bunch of you are are gonna greentext my post and post either a laughing reaction or a wojak. Or just say cringe or zoomer.
now that's an ass i can imagine on my face
Is that Twilight Sparkle?
Blizzard is absolutely awful at balancing their games. The forced roles is the most retarded shit possible, as was getting rid of Defense as a type of character.
fuck you and fuck your coomer thread
>one game mode with your choice of try-way-to-hard or dont-try-at-all teammates
>cant pick the map you want to play
>designated fun servers arent actually fun, its just bastardized x10 and randomizer servers with characters that dont translate well to x10 and a main feature removed by randomizer
I quit after I realized I was forcing myself to finish 10 placement matches after not playing for a month at the start of season 4
I found the better game
I considered going back, but then I read that you get banned for spamming dialogue that they ALLOW you to spam.
So I said fuck it, never again.
>I haven't because I'm not a sheep that follows the Yas Forums hive. Watch: a bunch of you are are gonna greentext my post and post either a laughing reaction or a wojak. Or just say cringe or zoomer.
Anonymous 04/24/20(Fri)03:08:00 No.504815631▶
Like most MOBA-esques they ported over the "one guy can solo lose the game" but forgot the "one guy can solo carry the game"
Also it's hard team comp dependent but the essential bitch role classes aren't fun to play
The entire match swings on ultimates, which due to their huge size/easy of use/massive power often end up with coin toss engagements
>over twice as many damage heroes as either of the other roles
>half of the support and tank heroes are already meme punching bags that will get you chewed out by your team if you play them
>announce that the new support hero everyone was anticipating is actually damage
>ban two supports from the hero pool the same week it's announced
>the new hero releases and she's a counter to the less mobile supports and shieldless(ie the fun ones) tanks
>ban her counters the same week she releases
You would think they would get their shit together after the whole "do you not have a phone" Diablo shit, but it's like Blizzard is actively trying to hurt their own franchises.
Froced roles basically made me quit
I tried it once on a whim because it was a free weekend, and the movement felt awful and weapons didn't feel meaty or satisfying, quit after one round, laughed at it all, and promptly uninstalled
I just don't touch the ranked mode
I've played every season of Overwatch since beta. I used to play it for hours every day, but I play it a few times biweekly now. The community is great, the game is great, but I'm just done with it. I'm playing CS:GO atm, and I'm considering jumping back into TF2.
I have literally never played Overwatch
I have masturbated to Overwatch several thousand times
Rate my IQ
because I'm not a c*mbrain that fell for the bait of a shitty game
Never played it but I would if it was free and was a porn game. I've cum to Widowmaker the most, closely followed by Mercy and D.va. I've also cum several times to Tracer. Sombra is hot but for some reason I've never felt an urge to cum to her. Sombra doesn't have as many lewds as the aforementioned either. Personality might be part of it; Widowmaker is the dominant professional whore, Mercy is the nursing milf type, D.va is the annoying bratty hatefuck, and Tracer is the tomboy childhood friend. What is Sombra's archetype? It's difficult to cum for me without creating a story in my head.
IQ? Who knows. You're smart enough to make a post with almost guaranteed replies to stroke your probably very thin ego.
I realized I didn't need to play the game to jack off.
user you were already playing the game
I don't need to greentext your post to call you a faggot.
She's the fiery Latina that would give you shit while you were out in public but suck your dick unabashedly when you got home to make it up to "papi".
Because I can't roll out as 6 of the same hero in competitive matches
I never stopped playing with my dick to overwatch OP
She's blue because of horrible blood oxigenation. It would be like fucking a corpse, she would faint at literally anything, probably die from that.
Because it's shit
Overwatch unironically caused me to no longer be able to get hard to 3D because they'll never be these supple, with perfect skin, asses, and breasts. I haven't been able to get an erection to 3D in 20 months.
it gay af lmao
Never heard of that one. I spam voicelines all the time.
Thanks, going to try that right now
TTK is still too long, healing is still too powerful.
>3D game caused you to be unable to get hard to 3D
Tell me some great blender artists please
There are no based heroes. We need BASED heroes.
np, I've got a side-piece that's a filthy 'Rican and she sure runs her fucking mouth but I'll be goddamned if she doesn't then put it to good use in the bed chamber
I still play sometimes but the maps are awful
Too easy for a quake god like me
made me chuckle thanks user
Yeah the head developer guy was talking about how they would ban people for spamming voice lines because it was "toxic" behaviour. They could just prevent you from spamming lines, but they would rather have players live in fear of communication.