Why is this game so underrated?
Why is this game so underrated?
It wasnt before, but it sort of did become underrated again
It can bearly work
you can barely spell
>Shadow of Chernobyl
with the right bear mods, i bet it can.
patched vanilla works fine
'cause it's made by a itty bitty Ukrainian dev with no reach that nobody heard of until years after the first stalker game came out. I didn't see any advertising or anything like that, and I still haven't I heard about the series via word of mouth in 2014 but didn't actually play it until last year
speaking of itty bitty Ukrainian dev, why does google say it's defunct but they're working on stalker 2?
Fucking what.
more like a niche, okay game that went from being overlooked to being shilled hard and is now overrated.
GSC has complete staff turnovers between games and has gone bankrupt at least once. It has "reformed" and has already come out with Cossacks 3.
this, didnt a lot of the developers move to 4a games to work on metro?
20 bucks for 13 yo game
Is it underrated though? People won't shut the fuck up about it
It's not bad but it sure as hell isn't as good as everyone wants you to think.
>tfw I played through vanilla Stalker and New Vegas with no crashes
Literally any other game will take at least a couple of hours of fixes to work but for whatever reason these games were completely fine
Shadows of Chernobyl is not underrated. It's well known to be a good game with an excellent atmosphere. The third game is overrated though, it's not nearly as good but still enjoys a good reputation.
Yep, GSC is dead because of their CEO, the creative meat of the company formed 4A
Gameplay-wise Call of Pripyat is definitely the best among the three.
thats part of the charm
But it's not significantly better, just more polished around the edges. It doesn't make up for the worse characters, locations, story, quests and atmosphere and the game is arguably unfinished.
This game only became fun when i downloaded a mod that increased damage and actually made my guns shoot where i wanted them to instead of having to rely on rng for every single enemy
>worse quests
look at this fool
SoC mostly had MMO quests of go here and kill the baddies/retrieve the rare weapon/artifact and come back for your reward. CoP had a good number of unique quests.
I mean the story quest mainly but maybe not a fair comparison when CoP was more sandbox in general. Doesn't help that the Stalker sequels are more like expansions than real sequels. They are only good if you want to play more of the same.
If anything, Yas Forums overhypes it.
true then
god i hate zoomers
How? It's the third or so game mentioned when it comes to atmospheric games, being out-top by Silent Hill 2.
same bro
Pripyat leans too heavily on the group-AI system from CS and the first map is too empty and safe, there's also the problem of every map essentially being self-contained, it's really watered down compared to how SoC works, especially modded, oh, and it has those fucking awful ADS wobble animations every time you strafe while aiming.
Weapon upgrading is also really unbalanced.