GET THAT ASS BANNED from all future Capcom fighting game events for commenting in an uncomplimentary manner towards people of trans sexuality.
GET THAT ASS BANNED from all future Capcom fighting game events for commenting in an uncomplimentary manner towards...
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He's right though. If you're really trans then why not commit and go all the way and get the surgery?
Because the surgery is gross, unsafe, unsanitary and nothing like a real vagina? I am not even some LGBTQQXYZ person but if they could get a real vagina I am sure they would. SRS is fucking nasty bro and there is a huge backlash against it in the Trans community now (I know this because my uncle is a doctor currently being sued over the results of someone's SRS).
because bronald brump won't pay for it
Who is he?
it's the last step that's holding LTG from fucking trannies
I'm with LTG on this. When I was a kid I thought these black kids were my friend. they stole my Legend of zelda. Never again
I think most trannies agree that "dick split" surgery is not the same as getting a real vagina. It's not an easy decision to make.
a fucking nigger, blast em with civil war cannons
>Going to tournaments
After he showed himself as a fraud at EVO?
The terrible thing is that LTG was shitting on fake-ass autogynophiles, not real transpeople. REAL transpeople support LTG
>I know this because my uncle is a doctor currently being sued over the results of someone's SRS
Is there more to this story if you don't mind me asking?
The tranny got banned too
Full video
try this bait at tttt
what happened to him?
LTG hates these coons
>If you're really trans then why not commit and go all the way and get the surgery?
Many people who get the dicksplit completely render themselves unable to ever orgasm again. Now I'm not a coomer by any means but that sounds like a special kind of hell in a lot of ways.
Also, a manmade vagina looks completely disgusting and literally smells like feces.
He performed SRS on someone. The results turned out pretty bad because the procedure is not really medically proven or anything. The wound got infected, person has to get additional surgery, shit like that. My Uncle isn't a bad guy but he shouldn't do these types of surgeries.
>things done outside of Capcom Pro Tour events can violate Capcom Pro Tour event code of conduct and get you banned
This is some reddit mode tier power self-jerking lmao
Realistically speaking what does he gain from the Yas Forums fame? I know there was already some meme magic with the tranny getting banned too.
unfathomably based and redpilled
trans people are mentally ill anyway, they can get that fixed and then they won't need to get their bodies mutilated
>tranny went under too
A true warrior die taking his killer to the underworld with him.
The tranny has a bit of a bigger problem to deal with
what about broski?
siena grace
Skimmed it and he seems based. No reason for him to be banned or anything.
Not big enough. Also, it's Yas Forums. It could be anyone using his name.
God, I hope the faggot actually do it
His reputation was always garbage. Only the tranny got fucked by this.
He could become president of the united states. Realistically speaking.
>ltg says trannies should go full tranny
>cero says black culture is problematic
>Capcom bans both for violating their Global Code of Conduct
he's the same guy who tried to get infiltration cancelled
What is the exert for those who lack tears when emotion has dwindled. Only past photos can remind one of the last times they were human
>other threads get autosaged
Do people that are new to LTG lore know already about that video where he talks proudly about how he was molested as a child?
LowTierGod more like KillsQueersOff lmao
The tranny had sponsors and shit, even traveled places paid by them. His life is completely ruined.
Hope he ends it, both because I hate trannies, as it would be a hit against the banning extravaganza. Two rabbits with one bullet.
Trannies with their cocks still attached are hotter than ones that don't though.
Yeah, dude is clearly fucked in the head. Without a hint of irony.