>Gears Tactics is the fast-paced, turn-based strategy
>fast-paced, turn-based
Such a retarded opening sentence does not bode well for a game demanding a $60USD, AAA price.
>Gears Tactics is the fast-paced, turn-based strategy
>fast-paced, turn-based
Such a retarded opening sentence does not bode well for a game demanding a $60USD, AAA price.
>6/10: At least it's not XCOM Chimera Squad
> mfw it's 70€ in europe
Is something wrong with Chimera Squad?
I see three women and three men, problem?
Gets panned by general public as plebs are pulled into the genre due to the Gears IP. Plebs think it's too hard/confusing/don't get how to play properly.
Gets a 7/10.
Universally acclaimed by xcom veterans as better than xcom 2.
Yas Forums says cliams it was watered down and made too easy due to it being made for normies.
That's not very pc. They actually all identify as men.
I'm glad Gears died with 3.
Just pirate it and stop making stupid threads, dumbo.
>I'm gonna tell these guys to stop talking about videogames, that'll show em
Chimera Squad is also 10 dollars
Splash damage is making this?
Buy this shit niggers, they need to stay alive to make another team shooter
>Pride Banner #19
>$99.99 plus tip
They're fuckin dreaming mate.
Faggot enablers need to be removed.
If Octopath Traveller can be priced at $60, why the fuck shouldn't this game be set at the same price?
Because Octopath isn't AAA
Tactics unironically looks good.
you can play it for 2 dollars on the game pass
>not just getting game pass for one month and finishing it
Dropping "of war" from their new titles is the dumbest shit.
I'm sure it'll be as fine an addition to the strategy genre as Halo Wars
Never played Halo Wars, but this isn't built to be played on Console so I can't see it being dumbed down compared to something like Xcom. I mean the fact it's not on a grid is pretty cool
>No Agent Torque
100% agreed.
And as such pairs well with the direction the series has taken.
imagine being this mentally retarded
Imagine being this mentally retarded
now both our posts can be equally empty!
Yeah, women don't belong in combat units.
Every TBS has a grid
Yeah, but snakes clearly do
I just meant it isn't as rigid. There's diagonal pieces, which I can't believe is a phrase that excites me
>There's diagonal pieces, which I can't believe is a phrase that excites me