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Literally every "Asian" girl you meet playing vidya


how was this such a fucking disaster? genuinely curious as to how this happened.

powerful. this is what gaming is all about

re-rework still happening

So this is what white men want

You have seen nothing yet

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The fuck is this?

i would

>brown asian
>looks chinese

what kind of asian is this

Your average jungle gook

I'm confused, are they letting out gamers because it would help them?

Is this a giantess fetish or something

that nose nostril...

She's trying to free the gamers from their wackass crystal prison

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so this is what yellow fever fags desire? roflmao

It has such a powerful radiation of smugness

They farmed it out to get it done on the cheap and then tried to jew people into being forced into the new client.

>break the gamer containment barrier
>now trump is president
that worked out well for them

>warcraft 3 reforged (a disastrous attempt at a remake of warcraft 3 that everyone already forgot about)
>placeholder image in classic warcraft 3 was of samwise making an awesome face, and was a respected developer that helped make one of the most once legendary franchises in video games
>franchise gets run into the ground and panders to actual communists and crossdressers
>shitty remake replaced his image with OP's pic instead

its some of the most disrespectful shit I've ever seen in video games if we're being quite honest fellow user. personally, I can never give these jew lords another dollars ever again and feel ok about it ever since the hong kong incident

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History is full of bad remakes. The argument was always "Well if you don't like it, just play the original."

Blizzard helpfully turned their bad remake into malware that actively purges every installed copy of the original from existence.

This picture is the perfect representation of what's wrong in this era.

every time

I genuinely don't know but genuinely think they don't care. WoW and CoD will make Blizztivision as much money as it ever needs, so everything else is just a cheap cash grab.

I wonder what its budget was.

Nope, i love Japanese girls. fuck this niggeress

a picture of a brown woman with dyed hair?

>they all look strangely like Bobby Hill
>the bizarre proportions
>what's everyone else doing there
>the words 'gamers are dead' everywhere with the imagery suggest some violent acts, which is a lot of irony at once
There's just so much to unpack, here...

brown women with dyed hair thinking their opinions matter has been the utter bane of the 2010s

This is Americuuuuuhh


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>turned their bad remake into malware that actively purges every installed copy of the original from existence.

this shit is actually, LITERALLY illegal, and if I gave a fuck anymore I actually would be suing for destruction of property.

but seriously I think its high time we all moved past warcraft, starcraft, and just blizzard in general. its like a twisted parody of itself that jokes around, rips you off constantly and just makes bad games with stories that try to make you cringe yourself into a black hole.pandering, social justice, and asian pandering is the focus now because every person that made that company great has been run out and replaced by corporate drones that put forth no effort and rely on the name of the franchises the previous owners built themselves.

we've lived long enough for a new half-life game to be made and for blizzard to start making actually bad video games. they've sold out, and that's the end of it.

its just time to move on

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I think it's totally unprecedented. I can't think of any company in history that went out of their way to punish people who bought CD-ROMs from them 19 godamn years ago.

It would be like if Nintendo hired a guy to track down everyone who owns a Super Mario 64 cartridge and kick them in the dick

what was the original image i cant find it
(dont play wc3 but im curious about this)

>dont play wc3

nobody else does either. chinkzzard saw to that.

>If you donate 100 dollars, i'll say your name out loud while touching my tits.
the flames of revolution indeed.

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those boys ain't right

>this shit is actually, LITERALLY illegal, and if I gave a fuck anymore I actually would be suing for destruction of property.
i'm quite sure that shit was right before the first "ok" you click.

people like this were to the UN...

You mean Westernized Asians