>still no good Inuyasha videogame
screw this
>still no good Inuyasha videogame
screw this
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I hate when an anime/manga has an interesting premise and art style but the story goes to shit quickly and the author doesn't know where to take it. Happens so much.
>Doesn't know about the kino Inuyasha MMBN rip-off game
Your loss
Inuyasha had such a unique feel to it, I really liked the feudal Japan Japanese demons and folk lore vibe but like you said it went to shit.
I really wish I could find another anime that gives me the same feeling as Inuyasha, but the music and style are too much its own.
What do you like about Inuyasha and I can recommend you a few things.
hard to make a good game when source material is pure shit
Well, there's that one fighting game for the PS1, or that RPG where you can cuck everyone.
It's coming out after they are don't making the evangelism and cowboy Bebop games
Even 20 years later I still want to fuck kagome raw and hard
user, why would you want to fuck Kagome when you can fuck a real woman like Kyoko?
for me, it's Sango
you know, i had some weird nostalgic memories on catching this on Jetix in the mid 00s, so I went back and tried watching it, and it's an anime for 12 year old girls exclusively, I couldn't stick with it at all
to me, inuyasha is the pinnacle anime art. gorgeous retro anime. I think id watch more anime if they looked like that.
too bad they couldnt get the story right
>still no good Inuyasha games
Kek, alright. God, I miss Inuyasha
I don't know why, but I always felt like most of the attractive girls in Inuyasha were really slutty in private moments. You just know Sango and Kagome turned freaky when they finally got fucked.
>not embracing your inner little girl
Why was Kyoukai no Rinne so fucking boring by comparison?
rumiko wanted urusei yatsura to appeal to little boys and it ended up being popular with the college age crowd and older men
Inuyasha finally tapped into that shounen demographic she always wanted
Inyuasha is dum.
>zero effort drawing in international audiences, obsessing over Japanese culture
>protag hero has the personality of a hernia
>protag girl infatuated with protag hero for no reason other than he's the other main character
>Here are some bugs lmao
>I can only use the wind tunnel so much or it'll grow bigger and absorb muh body
Without his wind tunnel he was useless, also he was a garbage "monk" to begin with.
Same. Doesn't help she's my first anime fap.
I actually never watched this show beyond like 5 episodes or something. Everyone shit on it, so I steered clear for the most part.
>leave miroku to me
>post says "I really liked the feudal Japan Japanese demons and folk lore vibe"
>what did you like about it though?
Sex with Kikyo.
As a wise man once said, fuck Inuyasha, it's Dragonball for girls.
Should have starred Kikiyo and Sesshomaru. Inuyasha and Kagome were a fucking mistake.
I actually liked the PS2 RPG, the combination attacks were fun to unlock
The PS1 fighting game was fun, too
I want to mating press Kagura.
This was actually a decent rpg. I never felt like the main character could solo shit though in the few segments where it was just you. Felt kinda weak desu
Why hasn't best girl been posted yet?
To be honest just Japanese demons and folklore vibe is a bit too general since a lot of different types of anime and manga have that.
Does he want a slice of life with foklore, a battle action oriented one or a mystery one or a horror one?
You have to be specific.
>severe daddy issues/complex
>best of anything.
I liked that cheapo PS1 fighting game
And for me it's Yura
Holy fuck the ending songs were so good. All those nights watching disconnected episodes and enjoying them in a casual way, before life became suffering and growing old felt like something so far away.
>before life became suffering and growing old felt like something so far away.
don't do this to me user...
Inuyasha is shit and never deserved anything above than that shitty ps1 fighting game.
Feel free to nostalgia at this.
>All those nights watching disconnected episodes and enjoying them in a casual way, before life became suffering and growing old felt like something so far away.
fuck, right in the feels
What a flawless snatch.
Pretty much the last time I had innocent delusions about how good life was going to be.
>TFW standing up late on Saturday nights watching Inuyasha and Fullmetal Alchemist on my CRT at like midnight and listening to the kino music.
I still remember it like it was yesterday and it was damn comfy. Watching anime on Toonami back in the day was peak comfy and I'm glad I was alive to experience it and grow up with it. Toonami back in like 2007-2010 was top tier. Only thing I use to look forward to every week on television was Toonami on Saturday nights.
Inuyasha ending are what got me into Jpop and such. Fuck. 2005 was so long ago.
reminded me of this instead
Literally half of what makes Inuyasha feel good are the EDs.
I used to think Shippo was a girl
Old fan of inuyasha here, but never finished it
Why did the story go to shit?
fucking hell this is hitting too close to me