Are there any good modern games that have lots of fully voiced, multiple choice conversations like old Bioware games?

Are there any good modern games that have lots of fully voiced, multiple choice conversations like old Bioware games?

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Disco Elysium maybe, haven’t played it myself tho

Voice acting is an enemy of complex dialogue, the more choices/options you put in the higher the budget gets. It's better to just not have voice acting or only have voice acting at specific important points.

I can only think of modern-ish games like New Vegas and VTMB.

OP image isnt a bioware game. OP is retard.

Not fully voiced either

The Outer Worlds but it's not very good

Is that a female exile? Uh that's gonna be a yikes for me dawg.

Outer Worlds was a perfect 4/10 for me. The entire game felt like the first two un-fun hours of a game that you have to slog through before it gets good.

It was the first image when I looked for kotor dialogue

Okay chief i'll let it slide, just make sure to pick male exile when you give it a spin.

Or don't hire union.

Are there any good modern games that even do that?

Vicar max was the only good and worthwhile companion.

I have. K1 is mullet, K2 is Jesus. Everyone knows that.

I want more games like those.

Everything he said still applies to the original KOTOR.

Not fully va

I feel like somewhere along the way I blinked and suddenly no one complained about this aspect of voice acting anymore

Based. I play buzzcut in 2 because i like those military haircuts but even i wouldn't deny Jesus is the peak performance

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Female exile is the canon option dude.

It's really bizarre that the exile ended up a woman in the canon. Revan works working either way because of the inherently feminine mysticism surrounding the character, but c'mon, you're gonna tell me an general who told the order to eat shit and then went off to commit war crimes is a woman?

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As relevant as my fat, greasy, bloody asshole.

In canon she also got duped and then killed like the dumb fuck retard, so it works both ways as well.

And Revan is a retard that gets anal vore'd by the eternal emperor and gets fucked over like four times before getting "fixed"
Gotta agree with you there chief, i wouldn't complain if revan was a girl since the mask alone is good for the "anything goes" Just like people keep wondering if the fucking Pyro is a woman.

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Player character isn't voiced

You wanna be a girl in real life

Oh yeah.
Forgot about that.

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I think it makes it a bit more interesting because:
1. She's not a man, and she clearly wouldn't fit in with most other women because of her ability to make an icy decision, which makes her more of an exile, and
2. The exile suffers from a Jedi-specific version of PTSD; feminine empathy naturally fits with that.
Plus, it works with the romance options better. Playing as a decorated war hero who now has to fend off clumsy advances from that simp Atton feels way more kino than being an incel Jedi who can't bring himself to make moves on Brianna, and gets shot down by Mira.

I'd take the MC being non voiced

Shame about Bri though.

I just want another Dragon Age Origins....