>80% of players stand wordlessly in front of a mirror worshipping themselves
>The other 20% go around playing games or wandering the vacant non-mirror person infested worlds looking for both company and originality, finding very small bits in the post apocalyptic social wasteland
>People continue to make maps because there's a high player count, but everyone visits the same low quality bar that was made by a furry that does inflation porn
>Porn avatars run rampent under the covers as some use them to flash players, not to disgust or shock, but to get themselves virtually molested in virtual public
>Anime girl and trap avatars, when released, are copied endlessly and dozens of varieties and lazy edits are made and entire worlds are made to host these minor edits
>the release of the Oculus Quest added a bunch of kids to the mix as they get exposed to the horrors of this wasteland
It's like a society if an elder god decided to mindfuck most of it and leave the rest to scrounge for scraps. Imagine getting a headset to play a social game and then not socializing.
Ok fine fuck it let's talk about how much we hate women on twitter!
Angel Johnson
vrchat made me realize exactly who the type of people are in erp threads. it’s so fucking disgusting to hear these nasally fucking losers say shit like “it’s not gay if i erp with my friend bro it’s an avatar’s body” or god forbid even try to sound like an anime girl when they just sound like the squeaky scrawny virgins they are. the biggest fucking faggots i swear.
Alexander Cook
golly gee it's almost like people want VR for escapism or something wow who'd of thunk it?
I run around as a Cacodemon in a tuxedo and force people who are hiding alone in a corner to talk to me. You meet some interesting people when you get away from the mirror but if you're not the kinda guy who dominates conversations expect a lot of awkward silence.
Same shit happened when I was a kid in the early 00s. Cybersex IRC channels, Second Life, Furcadia (had no idea what furries were), graal online, newgrounds before the porn got split to newdgrounds, ogrish, the countless shock sites like goatse abd lemonparty, YTMND, and most importantly, this site which I have not been able to escape despite my best efforts. Kids always seek the forbidden and are corrupted, the majority acclimate, the minority turn into serial killers, and those that manage to avoid it turn into CWC.
It might've been me, I don't know how popular that avatar is. Was it in a void club and I wouldn't shut the fuck up?
Matthew Murphy
>reading comprehension
Luis Ramirez
I actually use VRchat as sort of a meditative experience. I go places that would normally take a lot of money or planning and just... Stand there. Thinking about life and shit. It's peaceful.
Kayden Robinson
I've just been trying to train to dominate conversations as I run around as Isaac Clarke's severed legs. tricky shit though.
Hudson Thomas
>escapism >standing for hours looking at a pretend self in a mirror That's escapism on another level. These people have escaped.
Connor Gutierrez
If I had the body of a perefect waifu trust me I would be consistently worshiping myself 24/7
Angel Sullivan
You forgot the script kiddies running around trying to pull ips to scare people, or force load avatars to crash people's games. Or retards who just somehow manage to get ahold of a crasher and think they're leet hackers because of it. Shit is cancer.
Broke: using VRchat to """socialize""" with e-thots, femboys, and trannies Woke: using VRchat like worlds.com and explore all the fucked up shit people come up with