>The main religion of Dragon Quest 1-8 is literally Christianity (except if you are young by the western localisations) with a bunch of biblical references throughout the games So how does Jesus fit in the DQ worlds? Did he just fall from one world to another since they are all stacked upon each-other? How does Rubiss fit into the religion?
Except they always mention the Goddess when you save at the churches
Dylan Flores
That’s the English localisation/censorship, in the original Japanese version of every single game it was ‘kami-sama’ and the original symbol was a cross until DQ 9. If you don’t believe me play the fan-translated SNES version of 1-3, 5 and 6.
Noah Campbell
Did you not play Dragon Quest 11?
Joseph Robinson
>until DQ 9 Bit sooner than that, chum. Try Dragon Quest 4 DS remake.
Joseph Cooper
What are you smoking? Churchs and the clergy are meant to resemble Christianity because it's a very western fantasy styled game, but the actual religion has never actually BEEN Christianity.
Jeremiah Jenkins
I am finally going to beat dq8. I tried years ago but my older brother deleted my save from the card because it was a gay anime game. I was so angry I just couldn't try again. Now I'm just about to fight dohlmagus. My question is why does this game make me so horny? It seems like every single thing in the game is encouraging me to jerk it. Is 11 the same way?
Tyler Rivera
>So how does Jesus fit in the DQ worlds? You mean the Luminary?
Gavin Lee
Ok, but 9 is the first actual mainline change But Dragon Quest doesn’t even try to hide it or make a parallel religion like most games do, it’s literally a church worshiping God with a cross as it’s symbol in worlds where names have special sacred powers.
Thomas Jenkins
>That’s the English localisation/censorship DQ11 takes place before 1-3 and reveals that the world and humans were created by a female Dragon Goddess
Parker Ross
He gets crucified in the future? They still end up all praying to God
Gavin Stewart
>They still end up all praying to God Kami-sama is gender neutral
Jesus is a girl in DQ, the daughter of the Almighty. She's the Goddess they talk about in some of the games. Go play IX.
Michael Turner
Retconning shit sure is fun.
Isaac Peterson
>They still end up all praying to God Wouldn't "Kami" to a typical Japanese audience be the goddess Amaterasu and not the god Yahweh? Notably the religion in Dragon Quest allows female clergy while that is verboten in the oldest still extant Christian groups and would have been forbidden during the historical periods where Dragon Quest games generally appear to be set.
Wyatt Bailey
>It's OK when DQ3 does it
Zachary Morgan
The games don't all take place in the same world you retard, why the fuck would they share the same religion. The games just reuse similar concepts. >DQ9: Yggdrasil is the doorway to the Almighty >DQ11: Yggdrasil is actually the Goddess herself instead
Ayden Walker
Kami means God or paper it isn't exclusive to Amaterasu since they have 6 gorillions gods which they all called Kami
Adam Cooper
Do they also hang out by the dragon quest subway to preach propaganda to you?
Parker Walker
That's because DQ has somewhat lazy worldbuilding, which helps its appeal. If just pretending it's Christianity helps the message get across quicker, they'll do it.
Jaxon Gomez
Too bad the artist died and can't continue it.
Eli Lee
My point is it doesn't seem to be gendered as its used for goddesses as well as gods. So complaining that kami was translated to be goddess doesn't seem to simply be translators imposing some kind of political agenda. DQ clearly isn't built around any kind of identifiable Christianity and has just used some of the symbols possibly because they were easy to convey within the limitations of the original games sprites.