Why the fuck did they make Cloud so girly and pretty in the remake? Are they trying to turn people gay for femboys?
Why the fuck did they make Cloud so girly and pretty in the remake? Are they trying to turn people gay for femboys?
This your first anime game?
>Are they trying to turn people gay for femboys?
Final fantasy is for femboys.
>x made me gay bros!
You were already a fag, user. Truth hurts, but you need the truth.
built for barret
How are new are you to not know Japan loves feminine males? Whens the last time you've seen a tough male Japanese action star on the level of Jackie Chan or Donnie Yen?
Least of my problems with this game. Would more like to know why they rewrote it into Kingdom Hearts bullshit.
yeah nah, they basically drew a girl and called it a guy
Japan has a huge market for female geeks. Fujoshis. It's Final Fantasy's main costumers.
How can I become a trap/femboy?
Tell yourself that if it makes you feel better
play final fantasy
>are they trying to turn people gay
Something you want to tell us, user?
Go out with me
I've played VII and VIII. Currently playing through X.
he always was a pretty boy, shame he isn't a touch more muscular like his concept art
>yeah nah, they basically drew a girl and called it a guy
Take HRT, get laser hair removal, these are good places to start
Also you get to see his armpits.
They basically turn him into Andrea's wife.
The devs knew what they were doing when they were designing him.
> "He looks like a girl"
What... that's a man. How tf can't you tell that's a man. God Yas Forums down syndrome shines another day.
Are you serious? It's obviously a dude in a dress, which is the entire joke of that segment.
actual brainrot OP
To please my dick
The only people with brainrot are the people who think nu-Cloud doesn't have the face of a beautiful woman.
He doesn't.
SquareEnix needs to realise that if they want to improve their games, they need to make their games more male oriented.
Even some of my female colleagues complain about how feminine the
direction the company has taken since the merger.
Hope Square catches on because the female representation is better if the male leads actually have a masculine compass. Just need to avoid pandering to their weeb demographic and look more towards their samurai culture.
If cross-dressing Cloud was a real person and you posted a picture here saying "I think she's pretty," you would get 100+ ">she" and "trannoid" replies. Cloud is a typical JRPG twink, but he does not look like an actual girl.
I miss the eighties. Kenshiro where have you gone.
SquareEnix needs to realise that if they want to improve their games, they need to make their twink protags wear dresses more
This but also give them male love interests.
*Black male love interests