Here's your ff7 port, nintenbros

>Here's your ff7 port, nintenbros

Attached: quest64.jpg (380x262, 27.12K)

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n64 really did suck cock and balls didn't it

I'm a nintenbro and like... Aside from a few games, yeah kinda

That game was so fucking good. I hope they bring it to switch.

i liked it

FF7 is on switch, user

This game is underrated as FUCK. RIP THQ

no it fucking sucks

>Harvest Moon 64
>OoT and MM
>Mario 64
>Starfox 64
>Turok 1 and 2
>Mario Kart 64
>Mystical Ninja
>Quest 64
>Mischief Makers
>Bomberman 64
>Pokemon Stadium
>Kirby Crystal Shards
that's the top of my head but there's way more missing.

Attached: 804b247737a320b27b7923f28752dfc4f1a6227b_full.jpg (184x184, 6.09K)

now name a good game

weakest bait NA get a better hobby

those games are good, but like
that's it

Not Sega because they went out of business.

Turok is an n64 game? I am playing it on pc right now and don't see how anybody could have done this shit on an n64 controller
Also tonic trouble was pretty cool.

I heard this game isn't bogged down with story segments and is allows you to get the story by talking to NPCs, but also that the magic system is busted. I'll check it out sometime. The battle theme also sounds like a storebrand version of FF7's battle theme.

this fucking game. i rented it a dozen times but could never beat that moonigger boss.

Imagine being a nintendo fag in the 90s and missing out on FF7, SotN and Metal Gear

Attached: 1530645773784.jpg (512x512, 40.32K)

C-Buttons for movement, control stick for aiming, A/B for jump and switch weapons, Z for shoot

I think the Turok games are part of the reason moving from console to PC was fairly breezy for me as a kid.

I legitimately enjoyed it, it's quality has been distorted by e-celebs trying to make funny videos.
The game is clearly unfinished but still has it's good points, it was 5-6 reviewed game at the time when reviews actually went from 0-10 and not 7-10 like today.

Most N64 games have aged like shit.
There's a higher number of PS1 games that have fared better. Resident Evil 1/2/3, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII/VIII/IX, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, etc.

>missing out on two movie games and the game that ruined Castlevania
What a pity.

holy shit this is literally the FF7 fight theme lmao


Its average. An okay "play once and forget" game.

Nintendoshitter here, FFVIInl is trash but MGS and SoTN were absolute kino and I was jealous until the pc version of MGS came out and bleem became a thing.

If I'm aware, the japanese version is more finished with more scenes and the combat is slighty better.
But I guess it seems unfinished because the game originally had 3 protagonists and had a bigger take on similiar.

They still made Classicvanias after SotN dingus, they just didn't sell. If anything it was all the retarded spin-offs and outsourced games (e.g. Lords of Shadow) that ruined the series.

If you had a PC back then that could play MGS you could of just played Thief since it's a better stealth game in every way.

none of the ps1 games have aged well on their original console. you are thinking about the rare moments you spent playing them, but in reality you spend 60% of the time loading them off a cd,

>MGS and SoTN were absolute kino
yes. thats the point.

Thief being better idea not stop MGS from being good. Yas Forums likes being absolutist about games. Better doesn't mean everything worse than it is shit.

yes it does

>Made by the same company who made Fitness Boxing
Redemption arc

based, this is why there is only one good videogame, tetris

Phone posting is the fucking worst. "Idea" is supposed to be "does."

this but unironically


Based on what?

a true story

being correct

your mom's pussy