>overpower is a free interrupt on every enemy
>use it and then mash square to build up stagger meter and ATB charges fast
>starshower for big damage and even more meter build
>get a stagger
>unbridled strength x2
>rise and fall, omnistrike, and whirling uppercut all in succession on a for a fuckton of damage
>It she has a limit on deck the enemy is just fucking dead right there
Tifa is fucking BROKEN. She builds ATB so fucking fast and shits out ludicrous damage and stun
Overpower is a free interrupt on every enemy
>Best girl is the most powerful
Not seeing the problem
She can also infinite enemies with chi trap
These. Tifa is the funnest character to play as.
Why not just stagger the enemy with Unbridled x2 already on, then Starshower ---> True Strike ---> Rise and Fall, Omnistrike, Whirling Uppercut?
That takes way longer to setup since you have to build up 2 atb charges beforehand and setup unbridled twice.
just hold r1 on punisher to win
How do i into tifa? i feel like i dont do enough damage wit her
i have barret cloud and aerith figured out but i cant find another useful stuff on tifa yet other than a fucking killing machine when enemies are already staggered
How does her Triangle work? It seems to have a bar on it and switches sometimes.
I'm on my 2nd play and still don't get Aerith. Is her triangle even good?
>Give her items and materia so she starts off with pretty much a full fucking bar at the start of every fight
she is so gonna get shanked this time its not fair
Youre supposed to use unbridled strength to change her triangle command into a more powerful move. You can do this multiple times and the idea is when you get a stagger on an enemy you unload into them with triangle attacks in quick succession for big damage.
Oh, for some reason I thought Unbridled just gave her more attack power. Good to know
unbridled str transforms ppercut into omnistrike, and omnistrike is a rise and fall. Also makes you have a longer basic attack combos.
You use rise and fall and it falls to omni strike. You use omnistrike and it falls into uppercut.
Well first of all Aerith is a magic killing machine. Her basic attacks do damage to multiple enemies so when shes against multiple enemies it is easy to get atb. I use tempest against lonely enemies. I charge the tempest, drop it, change to another one to gather ATB while tempest triggers, giving aerith shitton of atb. Her basic attack against lonely enemies is pretty slow to gather atb.
Yes, if the target doesn't move.
Yes. She is a mage. Use her abilities, don't just mindlessly spam Square until something dies.
Deadly Dodge with HP Absorb and Parry lets you reposition at will. Shortcut Divekick to cancel out of Uppercut, Focused Strike to cancel out of literally anything and get a free evade and reset, Overpower for pressure, and Unbridled Strength just because.
Now practice gittin' gud at evades and set-ups.
Use the ward thing, stand in it and cast a spell
It feels good to finally talk about tifa gameplay and capabilities and the best combo instead of her tits, eh? that didnt happen in the OG
I lost count of how many enemies I killed by spamming Starshower. It's such an absurdly over powered attack.
Yes and it's fucking glorious.
Her triangle is awesome.
She's a mage, user. Use her for heals and nukes, throw down Arcane Ward and go to town. You're allowed to do this on Hard Mode because Soul Drain on Stagger gives you plenty of MP back, so drop this -aga spells when you can.
How the fuck do I use Barret?
Get concentration activation upgrade and first strike materia, you pretty much start every fight with 2x unbridled.
Stick auto cure on him and don't. Or later on use the melee weapons.
Ooga booga blat blat shoot dat gat
overcharge for quick atb at the beginning of the battle (thats why i save the first strikes for other people)
After a single basic attack string, press triangle for faster charge
Steel skin + Lifesaver + max pray = overpowered healer and protector
Focused shot the moment you see a pressure sign for ez stagger
melee barret is trash
thats all i learnt i my first playthrough
Oh and hes good to have a look at the battlefield from afar when you are kinda lost and prepare the next move. (tactical mode in barret)
Shoot stuff, spam overpowered shot every time it's up, equip him with provoke, hp up materia and use it along with his damage reduction skill to take pressure off allies, keep a good distance, RUN dont dodge attacks . He is good as a secondary.
I just spam maximum fury at every opportunity and it seems to work out pretty well
Use Overcharge to build ATB and Charge to cancel his basic square string.
Give him Steadfast block materia and use Steelskin to tank damage. Provoke is very useful for this purpose, you basically get 2 whole ass minutes of Tifa and Cloud getting free damage because they're trying to kill Barret and Barret laughs at damage.
Use Maximum Fury and Point Blank when you have full charge, Focused Shot on pressure, and Pray or Chakra are two very good ideas.
she's just a weaker Cloud.