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When's Justin Wong getting the ban hammer for saying nigga? People were saying the tranny's followers were going on a witch hunt looking at like everyone's twitter to see who else said nigga.

>banning literal legend
FGC will completely collapse If that happens

america is such a shithole

If they double down on banning anyone that said it, eventually they're going to have to ban some of the big names. They can't ignore just ignore it at this point because they opened the fucking pandora's box and the fucking PC crowd they attracted with their money hungry e-sports chasing isn't going to let this go because they feel like they were slighted.

fuck off you dumb drama nigger

This is what happens if you let the LGBT community in any group. SJW's follow straight after them and claim authority to how people can speak or act in any social setting.

Deal with it cunt. Let it all burn down and prove Mike Ross right.

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Can't fucking wait for more to get caught up in the purity spiral.

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deal with what? they are not banning wong you cocksucking mongoloid

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Why is it that only in the US we have words that are so "bad" that we ruin people's lives for saying them? It's not like that in other countries and other languages.

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unironically jews

What did LTG do that they banned him NOW?

Burgerfats are eating themselves alive and I'm enjoying the show

Capcom is Japanese.

You get thrown in jail in half the countries in Europe for questioning the Holocaust.

Its pretty obvious they'll excuse all those people with a simple apology but keep the trannys ban for it being recent and set an example.
Win Win all things considered.

Maybe not, but it's proof positive of their hypocrisy if they don't start banning the big names who throw "nigga" around too. Personally, I would have liked the FGC to remain in a pre e-sports state where you don't get banned for saying words, but they want to start shit so let it all burn. When they start demanding for big names to get banned and the organizers get hesitant, we're going to see a new wave of this bullshit, and I'm just sitting here with my popcorn laughing at this shit. Fuck mcrib and fuck the nu-FGC.

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Wasn't ceroblast the tranny that LTG flamed? Someone explain why he's banned as well


>That F1 racer who got his life ruined for saying the n-word
>Happened just after his first son was born
That saddened me immensely.

Before you call me a Stormfront member, I'm latino. I just think this witch hunt is wrong.

Because we give corporations the same power as people even though they ruin the lives of individuals.

Because you cuck out every time.
If you didn't cuck they wouldn't bother, but they know that you will so they do it. Say bigot get free shit. Or don't. But there's no real cost to trying, so say it anyways.

He said nigger once.

Someone dug up a tweet of him saying "eat my ass nigga" and he doubled down saying that he has black friends so it's okay.

Not exactly the same. One is denying history and the other is just saying mean words.

He said "eat my ass nigga" to a black dude in a twitter post a year ago and LTG's followers dug it up after LTG got banned. And now the whole FGC is in chaos because everyone and their mother says nigga.

Not sure who the tranny is, but assuming either of these people were top players in Capcom games, is banning players the new competitive gaming meta?

white guilt. meanwhile mexicans call nigs mayate all the time.

Individuals are the ones that sustain and allow them to though.
Funny how all systems that claim to be able to fix these problems claim putting more say in the hands of the apathetic enablers is the solution.

I'm thinking he won

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>Trannies infest the FGC
>everything goes to shit immediately

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Looking up unsavory things people said ages ago and using it to ruin their lives is the new social meta until it happens to the wrong person.

FGs will never reach the esport level of CSGO or MOBAs, they are too hard to get in and not entertaining to watch If when you're not playing them.
They will never be mainstream and those retarded bans hurt it a lot.

both are saying words you retard

denying history? alright lets jail anybody that thinks Egyptians are black.

He insulted a tranny

insulted a tranny

this hurts the tranny way more than LTG


Real answer is because we have a huge low IQ population and liberal whites have been conditioned to feel "guilt" for things they took no part in like slavery or racism and they overreact in order to seem "not racist" and virtue signal that they are the "good" guys

There is zero logic or reason at play in this type of social conditioning, they just react like they've been trained to because the worst thing in the world to them is "racism"


Start digging his tweets, look for tournament's footage, compile everything, unleash it on the web and let the carnage begins.

>One is denying history

Yeah and so what? Why is that illegal? I am by no means advocating it by the way, it's just madness.

it comes with risk. noone forced him to say it by holding his child hostage or anything

At least the tranny was stopped

cero finna do it...

Denying history is done by saying mean words. Some would argue that the reverse is true and mean words have attached implications that deny history. It's policing based on thought either way.

He got that ass banned

Joke about nazis or say something negative about jews, the government or muslems in europe and see what happens to you.


Because in first world countries, blacks and lgtbbq are protected species.

>Guy in Scottland teaches his pug to do a salute when he says "Sieg Heil"
>Gets fined 800 pounds and found guilty of a hate crime
>He was in a couple of already filmed episodes for BBC Scottland, and they removed his episodes and said they wouldn't work with him anymore
>Tries to appeal it his case
>Supreme court denies his appeal

only vaguely know fgc bullshit, who is cero

Unironically he did. It's either going to cascade into a load of people getting banned or Capcom and their cronies being exposed for being hypocrites and not applying the rules in a fair way to everyone.

No the same at all.
One is a government censoring opinions by rule of law.
One is corporations censoring speech by exclusion.
They're not the same at all but if you think the latter is more egregious than the former you're a complete and utter disgrace of a person.

>im going to kill myself cause people are being mean
>im gonna stay on twitter all day and look at all these mean comments after i said i would take a break

i swear to god

>denying history
I've got a bridge to sell you

unless it's a tournament

He getting that neck split

He insulted a man for being a girl, and somehow that was the last straw, and not insulting a legit handicapped man.

>protected species

what reality do you live in?