Why is the 3ds the best portable console?

Why is the 3ds the best portable console?

Holy shit Yas Forumsros it btfo the psp and switch .

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What am I looking at here? Is that some sorta hacked Pokémon game? And why is your 3ds so yucky and beat up

I’m sorry but the DS is better than both of you

You ever been over a black persons house? Why is it always so fucking nasty?

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Please colonize my wife with your BWC!

Better games

"true exclusives" because no other device can emulate them with 2 screens (one is touch). Using a mouse on pc is trash.

Yeah it's a mod of Pokemon called MoeMon. But that's not why OP posted it. It's because the hands are black and will get easy replies for no reason.

My black friend actually had the biggest cleanest house of all of my friends growing up. his dad was a VP at ESPN and had an Emmy award on the shelf. believe it or not in my crew the black guy had the richest parents

wow i never thought of it that way. Maybe you're right. Maybe it's not the race, but the persons themselves. I guess I have some growing up to do.

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Who is toro talking to?

Is touhou mon


ds lite is better

My OC.

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3ds can play ds game Dum dum

oh the irony

She looks frightened

No way? Prove it.

toro should be frightened

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prove what? That a black man won an Emmy award?

jesus christ when did this site turn from a weeaboo site into a redneck site

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I was going to say something like that . I really hate Yas Forums fags black and white thinking and there superiority complex

What do you expect? Most of them are teenagers who haven't seen the world outside of their bumblefuck small town that probably still had segregation and jim crowe during their grandparents' youth

All I want is a handheld that can play NES-gen6 stuff.

look at that fucking ashy skin, use lotion man you ashy
look at that fried chicken grease all over that 3ds - wash your hands before playing games man. don't eat chicken and play games at the same time dog you stupid!

they don't clean.

Yes cleaning is for the pure superior white race.

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>That formatting and spelling
M8 you would do more harm than good to any side you pick.


what side are you talking about?

Brainwashed into the classic red vs blue (both run by the same people) political sports ball

Based self reflection user

Vita and Switch are both better for portable emulation or homebrew machines

But are the comfy?
Do they have soul?

>Suika vs VIVIT

>Vita emulation
>literally emulating a PSP which is emulating a game
No it isn't.

Most anti racists don't live with or around black people, then they cry when they see a southerner's natural response to living around a bunch of lazy welfare collecting porch monkey niggers

The Switch is the Vita of handheld consoles. Don't bother.

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Absolutely, the higher resolutions mean retro games aren't as fucked when trying to scale to the 3DS screen

2 thumbsticks > 1 thumbpad
Plus you can still take advantage of the extra Vita power, you're not restricted to the PSP limitations

Nice to know the poor low iq southern state hate blacks.Just prove that racism is a low iq trait.

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user do you even know why southern states have low IQ?

why does his headband say "風神"? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

>2 thumbsticks > 1 thumbpad
>using thumbsticks for d-pads
What the hell are you even emulating that you even need two thumbsticks for? The Vita has great buttons but when it comes to actual emulation it's shit for anything other than the PS1 and PSP. Enjoy your shit sound.

Move into a black neighborhood and live out your multiculti dream

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The best portable console is unironically your smartphone. If you have a decent phone you can run NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PSX, N64, PSP, GB, GBC, and GBA games flawlessly, and smartphone screens are far higher PPI and better quality in general than any handheld that's ever been made. A $10 phone mount that clips onto your controller will you get you the best handheld on the market.

>Most anti racists don't live with or around black people
You read this stat wrong. Most white pro-black activists don't live with or around black people.

Most white people live in a reasonably diverse community. They are anti-racism, but it's not worth talking about as they simply live ordinary lives with their neighbors and no one thinks it's weird that people are just people.

Then you have the odd pockets of the US and europe where white people obsess over race. Most likely their grandparents actively discriminated against black people, and the local black population is immediately descended from parents and grandparents that were blocked off from gainful education and employment.

Even if you absolutely love your grandparents, just admit they were wrong about this one thing.

Touhoufags should be gassed

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i was born into one and it's great. Better food, better music, better parties, easier sex, funnier friends. My family moved to a white town upstate and I moved back to the city as soon as I could lmao